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This is based in the final battle in Iron man 2 when Peter wears his Ironman mask and tries to be like his daddy. I have changed a few things though.

PS: the whole Marvel timeline has been changed, slightly.

The drones started to attack the people who had gathered in Stark Expo and the whole place was in a complete mess. CEO Tony Stark suited up as Ironman and along with Rhodey to save the day.

"Take Peter and run!" He told his wife, Pepper and she took their 8-year-old son, Peter and ran towards the exit as Tony went back to battle.

"Mommy, where's daddy?" Peter asked as Pepper was carrying him and running, in heels. Peter didn't know that his daddy was a Ironman or was part of the Avengers.

"He's coming Pete but let's go."

"Look! Mommy! Iron-man's come!" Peter said but Pepper didn't stop running, Peter was looking at his hero and didn't notice that there was a drone infront of them. Pepper ran in another direction but someone crashed into her and she fell along with Peter and they got separated.

"Peter? Peter!" Pepper said as she got up and realised that Peter wasn't there with her. She began to run around to search for her son but didn't find him anywhere.

Tony and Rhodey were busy destroying all the drones in the sky while Peter, who was wearing his blue jacket and jeans pant, wore his Ironman mask and gloves which he made to look like the real Iron-man's. He saw a drone approaching and put his mask on and showed the drone his right hand as if he was about to shoot a energy blast at him.

The drone was not in a mood for games and was about to shoot Peter if not for the real Iron-man to arrive and stand next to his son and shoot the drone. Peter saw his idol but his mask covered his smile.

"Thanks kid." Tony said as he flew off. He was proud of his son for standing up to fight the evil but he was just a kid.

"Peps, Pete is few feet to your right!" Tony told Pepper over the phone and she saw her boy just looking at the battle in the sky and was wearing his mask.

"Peter! Are you ok?" She asked as she carried her boy and began to run.

"Mommy! I helped Ironman and he told me thanks!" The boy exclaimed.

"That's nice!" Pepper said although she was concentrated on getting out of there ASAP.

"Where is Daddy and Uncle Rhodey and when will the other Avengers come?"

"Pete, right now I don't have any answers sweetheart."

They soon reached their car but it refused to start, no matter how hard Pepper tried the car didn't start and there was a drone coming towards them so she continued to run with her son. Peter was concentrated on the battle between the drones and Iron-man so he didn't realise when he got separated from his mother again as she and few others were trapped between drones and she managed to keep Peter out of their reach.

"Mommy!" Peter screamed but she was trapped in that circle of drones but they were reduced by Iron-man and his allie. Pepper went back to search for Peter but he wasn't there.

Meanwhile, Tony and Rhodey were fighting against Vanko who was surrounded by their energy blasts which were overpowering him and he finally gave up and commits suicide by blowing up his suit, along with the defeated drones. Vanko, at the time of death said,
"Stark, I have one last thing for you. Your wife is about to be blown up by one of my drones as will you'll."

Tony and Rhodey immediately flew out off there but Tony tracked Pepper's phone, close to a drone and flew faster than ever towards her.

She kept screaming,
"Peter!? Peter!" But no one answered, she finally stopped when she noticed a drone fallen near her and saw that a red bulb was going on and off.

Tony came and carried her up on a roof before that thing exploded with them. He put her down and removed his mask.

"Wh...where is Peter?!" They both asked eachother.

"Tony, he was right with me before those drones caught me and few others!" Pepper said as she began to worry.

"He was ready to attack the drones." Tony replied.

Tony put his mask on and after flying up and taking a scan, he noticed Peter in the middle of all the wreckage and was calling out to him parents.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Peter cried. He saw few people meeting their lost relatives and wished that his parents or someone could come and take him home. He kept walking and accidentally stepped on a drone, activating it's bomb.

He was about to be blown if not for Tony, in his suit, had come flying to rescue his son. Peter kept screaming as Tony was flying very high and the boy was at the same time crying. Tony carried Peter to the roof where Pepper was waiting for them.

Both the father-son removed their masks at once.

"Daddy!" Peter said as he saw his dad, in the Iron-man suit and the kid realised that his dad is Iron-man.

"Daddy!" Peter said as he saw his dad, in the Iron-man suit and the kid realised that his dad is Iron-man

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(This awesome fanart pictures the moment. I had to do a little editing of my own
Full credit to the maker of the original one)

"Are you ok Peter?" Tony asked.

"YESSSSSSSSSS! I can't believe that you're Iron-man!" Peter replied.

"Where did you go! I was so worried." Pepper said as she gave her son a kiss on the cheek and Tony kissed him on the other cheek.

"You tried to shoot one of the drones with your glove?" Tony asked his son as he ruffled his hair.

"Yeah! I wanna be like you!" Peter replied.

"Come on let's go home." Pepper said.

"Daddy?" Peter asked.

"Yes." Tony replied.

"Who was fighting you and Uncle Rhodey?"

"That's a long story." Pepper and Tony replied.

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