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4 year old Peter Stark was looking at the living room from above the staircase and was trying to hear what the conversation was about. The kid had very sensitive ears so he could hear heartbeats and thoughts of the people around him. His mommy, Pepper was in a meeting in the office which his daddy, Tony was in a meeting with the Avengers.

"Steve you should really start listening to us."
Peter could hear Strange tell Steve something but the boy wanted to go to Tony.

He waited for the voices to calm down before her could go to his daddy and moment the voices stopped, he ran down the stairs and hugged Tony's legs.

"Daddy!" He said.

"Hey Petey Pie." Tony carried the boy up.

"Aww that's so cute"

"Peter's a angel"

"A little blessing"

"Tony's a great dad to this munchkin."

Peter could hear all these thoughts of Natasha, Thor, Strange, Steve, Clint, Bruce which made him become restless and he closed his ears but he could still hear their heartbeats and thoughts.

"Peter, Pete? Are you ok?" Tony said as he noticed his son looking scared.

"To many noises!" The boy screamed.

The Avengers were confused at what noises was Peter talking about but the boy buried his head in Tony's arms and Tony said,
"JARVIS! Play some calming music."

The music started which calmed Peter down and he lifted his head up.

"What just happened?" Natasha asked.

"Peter has very sensitive ears so he can hear thoughts and also heartbeats." Tony explained.

Peter removed his hands from his ears and smiled at his friends who now knew his secret of sensitive ears.

"Don't tell anyone." He said.

"Ok." They all replied.

"Uncle Steve? Why is your heart beat rising?" Peter asked.

"What? Um no? I'm perfectly fine." Steve replied but he was not fine as he stared at the clock opposite him.

I have to go on a date so just get back to the topic!
Steve groaned internally which Peter heard but decided to stay quiet for sometime but spilled the beans.

"You'll can continue because Uncle Steve has to go somewhere." Peter said while Tony was still carrying him.

"You have a date!?" Natasha asked.

Steve sighed and told them about the date and how he's getting late to meet the girl.

"That's why you were in such a hurry." Strange said with a smile.

"This guy can never change."

"Nothing is a secret now."

"Where are the churros!?"

"Why does my brother hate me?"

"I feel like hulking out."

Peter's mind was getting filled with all these voices which made him panic and cover his ears and buried his face in Tony's arms again.

"Hey buds, it's ok." Tony assured him but the boy was going mad with all the thoughts and heart beats around him.

"No thinking!" Thor said as everyone stayed silent for a while and they couldn't stop thinking for a while but kept quiet.

"I'm sorry." Peter looked up at his daddy and friends.

"It's okay Pete, you don't have to be sorry." Natasha said.

"I think it's cool to have powers like that." Clint added.

"Thank you." Peter giggled and Tony kissed his forehead and they spoke about his powers for a long time.

Sorry about this being short. Time was heavy on me, I'll make up by writing longer ones.

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