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Tony and Pepper were returning home along with their 7-year-old son, Peter from the fair. The boy was sleeping on the back seat with his teddy bear, cotton candy and three new bubble makers, they were sticks with different coloured solutions in it and had a windmill on the top.

Peter loved to make bubbles so he always would ask his daddy and mommy to get him lots of bubble makers. He would finish one bubble maker in a day because he would drop it by accident and most of the solution would go.

"Today was fun." Pepper said.

"Yeah, Petey Pie got three bubble makers this time." Tony replied.

"He loves bubbles but he always forgets to close them after he's done and the liquid spills."

"I don't want dinner, I've eaten a small pizza."

"I've eaten two corn on the cob."

"Pete's had two doughnuts!" They said together.

When they reached the tower, Tony carried Peter up while Pepper was carrying their stuff. Tony put Peter to sleep in his room and he along with Pepper went to sleep in their room but their sleep was interrupted when the sound of a shelf breaking and things falling came from Peter's room.

They rushed to his room and saw him fallen on the floor surrounded by what used to the bubble makers' solution and the shelf next to his bed was broken and all the toys on it were also on the floor. The whole floor was covered in the bubble solution and the completely emptied bottles were fallen next to the mess.

Tony carefully went close to his son and carried him out of there as Pepper wrapped him in a towel since his clothes were soaking went in the solution. They brought him in their room and Pepper wiped his hair while Tony asked,
"Pete, what happened?"

"I wanted to drink water so when I got up, I accidentally hit the shelf with my hand and drop everything down but since it was dark I used the shelf's support to get up but it also broke and now I'm wet." Peter replied as Tony wiped his hands.

"It's ok, Pete, the good thing is that you're ok." Pepper said.

"Pete, you'll need to have a shower. This won't go so easily." Tony added.

"Daddy, it's cold." Peter said.

"Peter, this will irritate your skin, sweety. Come on just have a wash." Pepper took Peter to the bathroom and after a while got him out. He was now wearing his Avengers pajamas and his parents sat there and dried his brown hair.

"Why does my bubble maker spill everytime." The boy groaned.

"It's okay, Pete, we'll get you a different type of bubble maker next time. Now you sleep with us today as your room is a disaster." Tony said and put Peter between him and Pepper and he soon fell asleep and so did his parents.

The next morning, Peter got up from his nice peaceful sleep and got down from the bed and went in the kitchen where Pepper was making breakfast for them.

"Good morning baby boy." Pepper said as she placed a glass of milk infront of him.

"Good morning mommy. Where's daddy?" Peter asked and sat on the counter and drank his milk.

"He's coming with a surprise."

"What suprise?"

Suddenly many bubbles started to come from up the stairs and Peter jumped down and started to play with the bubbles while Pepper made a video on her phone. Tony came soon with a whale shaped blue machine which was throwing up bubbles.

"Thank you daddy!" Peter gave Tony a hug and the dad carried his son up and showed him how to use the bubble maker.

"This is a suprise for you. You like it?" He asked.

"I love it!" Peter replied and made many bubbles.

They made many more bubbles and Pepper also joined them, completely forgetting about the waffles. After all the bubble burst, they went to have breakfast but realised that the waffles were burnt.

"I'll make more just a minute boys." Pepper told them and she quickly made more and they sat on the table and began to eat.

"I'm done!" Peter said after eating almost one and a half of the waffles.

"Pete, finish that kid." Tony said and began to feed Peter but the boy wanted to go in the garden and make bubbles. After breakfast, Tony and Pepper got ready for office while Thor and Bruce came to babysit Peter.

After playing almost all board games and watching three movies, Peter remembered about his new bubble.

"Uncle Thor, Uncle Bruce! Let's go in the garden." Peter said.

"Ok, lead the way Peter." Thor said.

In the garden, Peter made lots and lots of bubbles while the babysitters were trying to catch them. Bruce was bursting the bubbles which came near his plants while Thor was busy chasing few big ones along with Peter.

They played the whole afternoon and finally when Tony and Pepper returned from office in the evening, they found thier son sleeping on the sofa along with Thor and Bruce.

Tony snapped a pic of them and Pepper put a blanket on them and they went to prepare snacks for them once they get up.

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