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13 year old Peter Stark was having a tough time with his homework, he had to write a short story in English and the same story translated in another language to be submitted by tomorrow in his class.

The language could be European, Asian, American or any but the only language that Peter knew was English.

"JARVIS, what is 'one' in Spanish or French or....." Peter stayed quite after that.

"Hey buds what's up?" His dad, Tony came in and saw his son burring his head in a huge pile of books on his table.

"Dad, what is 'time' in Dutch?" Peter asked without lifting his head up.

"Let me guess, you got another poem to translate."

"Not a poem. A whole story!" Peter lifted his head and went and sat on his dad while Tony was sitting on the bed.

"Aunt Natasha can translate that in Russian for you." Tony ruffled his brown curls messy hair.

"The teacher said that I can't use that same language which I used before." Peter groaned and rested his head on his dad's shoulder.

"It's okay Pete, mom and I will help you." Tony said.

"Can you ask her if she knows any other language?"

"Sorry bud but Pepper only knows English."

"When is she coming?"

"In sometime."

"Is there any snack?"

"Ran out cause of yesterday's mid night movie."

"Not even a bit."


Peter groaned and Tony ruffled his hair but he was still worried about his story, all he had was the evening and night before to break his head.

Peter thought and thought and finally he got a idea, he asked his dad to activate JARVIS' language translator and scan the story. Tony did everything and all that was needed was to choose the language.

The options were many, English, Spanish, French, Dutch, Danish, Hindi, Korean, Japanese, Portuguese ,German and so on.

Peter knew that his classmates would use Spanish, French or Japanese or Koren so he went for Portuguese. JARVIS translated the whole story in Portuguese which on one glance on the page didn't make any sense but it was another language.

There was also bonus marks if someone chooses Asian languages because of their different scripts but Peter wasn't greedy. Tony counted the possible marks which Peter will get and it was good but Peter needed more because he was weak in that particular teacher's subject.

"Son, looks like you need more marks." Tony said.

"Dad, what should I do?"

"Why don't you use Korean or Japanese."

"Those are too common choices and many kids will have them." Pepper entered the room and had heard their descision.

"Hey mom!" Peter greeted her and she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Peps, which other Asian Language can he use?" Tony asked his wife.

Pepper thought for a while and she went threw some books and she found something which solved the problem. An old history book was open on the table and one of it's flying pages said,


"How about Hindi?" She said.

"What?" Peter asked.

"The language of India, Pete." Tony said.

"That'll do! I also love to visit India!" Peter said.

"Ok, we'll go there but first let's translate your story." Tony said and after translating the story in the Indian script which made no sense to any one of them, Peter put it in his backpack and left the room with his parents for ice cream.

The next day, the teacher and all of the students were suprised that Peter had got the story, in correct script, no mistakes, correct spellings and it was looking like Peter knew to write Hind like the back of his hand.

"Peter, who helped you with this?" His teacher asked.

"My dad and mom." Peter replied happily and he got extra marks for presenting it in a proper way.

After school, Tony and Pepper were happy to see their son coming out with a smile.

"I got extra marks!" He said as he hugged them.

"You should really learn another language." Tony said as he ruffled his hair.

"Not Hindi, it's too difficult." Peter said.

"You start with Portuguese since you wrote the story in that first and then maybe learn if you want." Pepper said.

"Okis!" Peter replied and Tony and Pepper held his right and left hand respectively and went home as Peter rambled about what the others wrote.

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