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In this, Pepper is Peter's mum but she has, you know, died. (Sorry about that, I'll make up by having more one shots with her and Tony as Peter's parents)

6-year-old Peter Stark was waiting for his ride to arrive to pick him up from school. His day didn't go very well; he almost failed his chemistry test, the bullies almost beat him up, he had to sit all alone in the cafeteria and when he got bullied no one stood up for him.

Why do I even expect anyone to stand up for me? All are Flash's minions!
Peter groaned internally as he saw many of his classmates going with their parents. Peter only had his daddy, Tony Stark who loves him more than anything else and the Avengers ofcourse, his mom, Pepper, had died when he was very young. (Again sorry about that.) But Tony has been very busy with his missions lately, all the Avengers were so busy that it's been two days since he has seen them.

Happy soon arrived and opened the door for Peter.
"Hey kiddo, how was your day?" He asked.

"Not so good."

"Say, your bday is coming, your turning seven."

"Humh, 10th August, tomorrow."

"You're not excited?"

"Daddy's not going to be there. I spoke to him yesterday, he said that it'll take another two-three days."

"I'm sure he'll make it. By the way, there a new book store on the way, I've heard that they have good books. Wanna see?"


They stopped at the store and Peter kept looking at different books but non caught his interest. He looked around a little more and found a book,

This book immediately caught Peter's heart. He was made for physics and he always came first in every physics test. Happy saw Peter coming with that book and thought,
Tony and Peter are the same. Like father like son.

Happy bought that book for Peter as a early birthday gift and the boy began to read it in the car itself and didn't notice when they reached home.

"Mini Boss, we reached." Happy joked.

"Thanks Uncle Happy!" Peter said as he got out and ran to his floor.

He had some hope that he could find his dad waiting for him with waffles ready to be eaten and games to be played but he saw nothing but JARVIS had ordered some food for him.

"Hi JARVIS." Peter said.

"Hello Peter, how was school?"

"Not so good." Peter said as he threw himself on the couch and continued to read the book.

"Come and have lunch, your dad ordered pasta for you."

"What." Peter said as his eyes glittered and he fell off the couch.

He began to eat his pasta but at the same time, he missed Tony badly. Never before had Tony been gone this long, he called him but he didn't answer.

"Has daddy called when I was gone?"

"Sorry Pete, your daddy has been very busy with the mission, he and the other Avengers are trying their best to solve the problem."

"So he'll miss my birthday."

"I'm sure he'll try his best to be there."

Peter put his head down on the table and wondered whether his daddy would make it to his birthday or not. No matter how the situation, Tony always was there for his son's birthday.

As Peter was in his thoughts the door bell rang.

"Daddy!" Peter screamed as he ran to open the door thinking that his daddy was finally here. His brown eyes were eagerly waiting to see him and his brown curls were flying in the wind as he ran towards the main door. His happiness was shattered when he saw that it wasn't Tony but it was Steve.

"Hey Uncle Loki." Peter said leaving Steve- who was actually Loki who had shape shifted suprised. Loki turned into his true form and saw Peter lying on the couch and crying. Loki went and sat beside him and said,

"What's the matter kid?"

"I want my daddy." Peter said as he buried his face in the pillow and stared to cry.

"How did you know that it was me?"

"All Avengers are busy."

Just then Tony's phone came and Peter answered it within seconds.


"Hey Pete, how are you?"

"Not good! I want you know!"

"Sweetheart it'll take sometime but I promise I'll make it."

A loud bang was heard on Tony's end and the phone got disconnected. Peter started to cry bitterly and Loki couldn't see his favourite kid, crying so he put him to sleep and stayed beside Peter until the next morning.

When Peter opened his eyes the next morning he saw that Loki had gone as well. He thought that even he had some work so he had to leave. Usually he would jump up and down and make his bed but he didn't move at all. He wanted Tony as he started to sob quietly in his room.

"Good morning birthday boy!" JARVIS said.

Peter just stayed quite in bed and didn't move at all, he didn't want anyone seeing him cry on his birthday. The bell rang but Peter still didn't get up, he didn't want to know who came, he just wanted Tony. There soon was a knock on his room door and Peter knew that open it.

Peter got down, wiped his tears and thinking that it was Loki he said,
"Hi Uncle Lo-"

Peter was shocked to see who it actually was.

"Happy Birthday Petey!" Tony said as Peter lunged into his arms and hugged him tightly while crying.

"I... missed you daddy!" He said while still crying.

"I missed you more son." Tony replied as he carried Peter down and showed him a gift he brought for him.

"But daddy, your mission." Peter said hoping that Tony would say that it's over.

"Screw the mission, you're more important." Tony replied as he kissed his son's cheek. "There is some cleaning up remaining but I came for you." He added.

"I love you daddy!"

"I love you way more that 3000!"

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