The Princess

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"Hahahah! You got rejected...AGAIN!!!" Seulgi laughed in Jisoo's face.

Jisoo glared at her supposed friend since college.

This was the 10th blind date her younger sister, Lia, had set her up on. Her parents had decided early on that they weren't going to butt into her love life, but at the age of 32, Kim Jisoo was already at the top of her career...

or...leading a stable life as a journalist in a small town on Jeju Island in the newspaper company called, "Daebak!"

Jisoo sat down at her desk as Seulgi sat beside her with a laugh.

"I don't think you should tell them firsthand that you're dating them with marriage in mind. You're scaring them away." Seulgi said while pushing into her.

Jisoo glared again. "Why would I lie about my intentions? Yes! I want to get married! Why does everyone my age not get that?! I'm literally 32 years old and every single person I've seen has not been....right."

"You're picky, I know." Seulgi said with a smirk.

"No! If you went on the dates I went on..." Jisoo shuddered.


3rd date:

Girl threw up because of the food. Jisoo kindly said she would still date her and it's okay...

Except the girl was just "experimenting" and felt Jisoo was too nice to drag her along.


7th date:

"So how old are you? I don't mean to be rude..." the red head asked her nervously.

Jisoo smiled sheepishly. "30. I hope that doesn't bother you. How about you?"

The girl leaned forward seductively and said, "20."

Jisoo spit out her water.

8th date:

Actually took Jisoo to something she liked to do.

An arcade.

Jisoo innocently won every game and didn't realize that her date was getting jealous until she ended the date with a screaming match, poured her water on Jisoo's head and stomped away.

10th date:

This date went fine and Jisoo liked her. She was happy because her parents were the ones that reached out to a college friend about any prospects.

What they didn't know and what Jisoo found out at the end of the date was...

She was pregnant...and currently trying to run away from her conservative family with her baby daddy.

She gave Jisoo a big hug and took her number to invite her to her baby shower.


"Trust don't want to know the stuff I've been through." She sat down at her small desk.

"I honestly can't believe you've been dating since you were 20 and you still haven't found a woman to stay with you longer than 4 months. I mean, you're gorgeous, you practically don't age!" She waved vaguely to Jisoo's face.

Jisoo sighed and shrugged. She moved her mouse to open her computer.

But her mind wandered elsewhere.

Preferably to her dream.

Living comfortably in a nice house with a woman who loved her and she loved in return. The house smelling like hot chocolate. Maybe a little girl or boy running around.

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