I'm Sorry

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Once she made Jennie was a safe distance away, she went back to the spot where she was with Soojoo.

The woman smiled. "You know don't you?"

Jisoo smiled back. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Soojoo's eyes narrowed and she bent down. She pulled a knife from inside her boot. She hid it inside her sleeve but made sure Jisoo saw.

She raised her head with a cynical smile. "I'm sorry. I can't have anyone exposing me."

Jisoo's eyes hardened and she took a small step back.

There were still a lot of people at the carnival.

Lots of families.

She glanced around her and saw the same guy from before, standing casually next to a booth. Her eyes flitted around and found the same 2 guys from that night as well.

Jisoo took a deep breath, bracing for everything.

She turned to the side and sprinted into the neighboring forest.

She heard Soojoo shout, "Coward!"

Jisoo just kept running. She needed to draw their attention away from Jennie and they were surely going to come for her since she was the obstacle.

She pushed branches out of her way and jumped over rocks, running in her sneakers through the forest floor ridden with dried leaves.

After a few minutes of running, Jisoo stopped to catch her breath. She panted and looked around.

She could barely hear anything over her heavy breaths.


Jisoo heard the sound of leaves crushing lightly. Her hands balled into fists and she ended up in a chokehold. She gasped and hit his arm. The man tightened his arm and she saw her vision blur.

She elbowed the man in the side and he grunted but was momentarily distracted. That was all she needed before she pulled on the arm choking her as he flipped over her back and onto the ground.

His face was twisted in pain and he was groaning as he reached for the knife fallen a foot away.

Jisoo quickly took a heavy branch from beside a tree and whacked his head with it. The man went unconscious and blood trickled down the side of his forehead.

She threw the branch aside and shook off her coat. The raven threw it away until she was just left in her black shirt and shorts with her ponytail messed up.

She quickly fixed her hair to stop covering her face and looked around calculatingly.

1 down...3 more to go...

She slowly picked up the knife the fallen man had and tucked it into her shorts before she started trudging through the forest again.

The raven made sure to quietly step so as not to announce her presence.

She kept her breathing light and it was completely silent. She could only hear her heartbeat and the small crickets.

She gently pushed aside a branch and was starting to lose her initial confidence.

Where were they?

She walked past several trees and for a few minutes before she heard a loud crunch. She spun around and a man lunged at her.

She groaned as he tackled her to the ground. She kicked his private parts and he fell to his knees as she rolled away with gasping breaths.

Someone kicked her in the stomach and she groaned in pain as she clutched it.

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