Let's Get To Know Each Other

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Jennie squinted her eyes open as the sunlight from the open barn door fell through. But she was feeling warm and comfortable.

She sighed and snuggled closer into the warmth, she didn't want to leave it.

She tightened her hand and felt bare skin. Smooth, bare skin.

Her eyes shot open and she flitted her eyes between Jisoo and her. There was no space between them. Her face was pressed into her neck and their bodies were pressed against each other. Jisoo had her wrapped in her arms and Jennie had a hand underneath her tank top probably to keep it warm.

Jennie wanted to pull away. To leave this woman who was affecting her in so many ways...

But it had been so long since she was embraced like this. Warmly. Filled with care.

So she pushed her mind aside and pulled herself tighter into Jisoo's hug and smiled into her neck.


Jisoo woke up with Jennie snuggled into her and smiled. She was so cute.

But it had to be at least 10 in the morning with how much sunlight was coming in.

So she slowly (and unwillingly) pulled away from Jennie's clingy arms and covered her with her coat.

Rosie was nowhere to be found and she went over to the hay stack she had been sleeping on.

There was a note that read:

Hi Jisoo and Jennie,

So I woke up at around 8am and found a mechanic shop about 4 miles from here. I gave them a call and they said they were booked but would take me immediately. I won't be back by the time you wake up, so you can either wait for me until early tomorrow morning or come here.

Your choice.

Here's the address for the shop:

XXX cccccccc


P.S. Both of you looked adorable snuggled up together so I didn't want to wake you. ❤️

"We do NOT look cute while sleeping!"

Jisoo jumped a foot and dropped the letter as Jennie stared angrily at it.

Jisoo placed a hand over her heart. "You scared me!"

The brunette just shrugged and picked it up. "So she abandoned us?"

"No. She said we can wait here for her or find the mechanic shop 4 miles away which shouldn't be hard on foot."

Jennie raised her eyebrows. "You want us to walk 4 miles?!"

Jisoo rolled her eyes and said exasperatedly, "It's not that far! We can easily do it in...what....9 hours?"

Jennie crumpled the letter and threw it at her. "Forget it. Let's find someone else to give us a ride to the airport."

Jisoo raised an eyebrow. "I don't think it works that way, Mandu—"

"Stop with the nicknames. I hate them."

"Whatever Mandu, all I'm saying is that it will be much easier to find the mechanic shop than to find a new driver entirely. Plus, Rosie seems trustworthy."

"Why? Do you suddenly want to stalk her too?"

"Ok, let me set this straight! I completely gave up my interest in you the moment you said no to dancing with me, so go off on your rant. I'm not hearing anything. I'm going to see if there's a fresh pond to wash my face. Then I will go to the mechanic shop. You can sit here, princess."

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