Ask Me Out Of Love

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The night before the engagement...

Jennie stared at the letter in her hand. She reread it for the 3rd time.


I am so sorry but I have to leave you. I can't stay and live with heartbreak.
I hope you can forgive me.


She flipped it back and forth but that's all there was to it. She ground her teeth.

She wasn't upset.

She was furious.

How could she leave something as vague as this. After all that they shared....

Jennie refused to believe it was Jisoo who wrote this. It had to be someone else.

Jisoo hadn't come back from that day at the carnival. She had spent sleepless nights worrying about her and crying out of fear.

The suddenly over breakfast she gets this letter from one of the servants.

The day of her engagement, Jisoo left her?!

No! Jennie wasn't accepting that!

She remembered what Jisoo said that morning in her room.

"I'm not going to give up on us...and you can't either."

Jisoo leaned her forehead against Jennie's and said in a low voice, "I promise...and remember that whatever happens...never doubt me."

And she wasn't going to start now.

Not when she loved her—

Jennie paused and took a small step back.

She loved her? She loved...Jisoo?

Her body filled with warmth and her heart picked up its pace.

She felt herself smile.

I love Jisoo...well...looks like she won't be getting rid of me that easily.

She swung open her door to start her questioning of the staff when she saw Rosie standing there.

The blonde's eyes were wide and she glanced around nervously, she was clutching her phone to her body.

She pushed Jennie back inside her room and locked the doors shut.

She turned to the princess with anxiety tightening her face.

Jennie frowned and took a step closer to her. "Rosie what happened?"

"I know what happened to Jisoo."

Jennie widened her eyes. "When you said you were going out as soon as we got went after Jisoo?! Rosie! That could've been dangerous and—"

"That's beside the point, Jennie." She handed her phone to Jennie and there was a video.

She glanced up at Rosie with wide eyes. How come I keep making revelations about my life through videos? Can't i experience it once?!

Jennie played the video and stumbled back into her bed behind her.

It was her grandfather.

Admitting to her assassination attempts.

All his reasons. His threat to Jisoo.

She stared at the video until it ended and raised her gaze to Rosie. "How did you get this?"

"I followed them but there were too many men surrounding the hospital so I couldn't do anything to help her but I managed to get this video. After that my phone broke from the storage and it wouldn't turn on! It took until now for me to finally show you!"

Ask Me Out Of Love (Jensoo)Where stories live. Discover now