I Can't Open Up To You

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Soojoo fumed as she walked out of Jennie's room.

She had specifically drugged Jennie in order to strangle her but that bitch Jisoo had to come in the way and ruin her plans...


She stormed to her room and slammed the door.


Jennie woke up the next morning and saw Jisoo sleeping very uncomfortably in a chair too small for her.

She giggled softly to herself and watched Jisoo as she held her head up with her hand and her legs thrown over the armrest.

She carefully flipped her blanket over and quietly stood up to look down at her.

The brunette bent closer and heard her snore loudly. She covered her mouth and laughed into her hand.

Gently she pried her arms away and up. Since Jisoo was relatively close to the bed, she managed to pull her legs onto the bed until she was in the position of reclining normally into the chair.

She went behind the chair and placed her hands underneath the raven's arms to lift her when Jisoo grumbled and turned her head to the side.

Jennie's heart stopped but Jisoo didn't wake up.

Look who sleeps like the dead now...

Carefully, she lifted her up and quickly dumped her on the bed.

She gasped out a laugh when Jisoo landed on the bed with a thud. The raven turned and her arms and legs spread out like she was going to do a snow angel.

Jennie leaned over and pressed a airy kiss to her forehead, barely touching her skin.

She sat on the bed and watched her sleep with her chest rising and falling slowly.

She smiled softly and placed her hand into Jisoo's. It fit perfectly, the same length from the tip of her middle finger to the heel of her hand.

She interlaced them and curled her fingers onto the back of her warm hand.

Jennie lifted her raven's hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it. Her lips touching the soft skin as she looked at Jisoo's beautiful face.

She gently pushed Jisoo's hair from her eyes with her free hand and asked quietly, "Why don't you realize that I only want you?"


The next morning, Soojoo got a call from her client.

"Yes?" She grumbled.

"How many attempts does it take for you to kill someone?! People are dying in car accidents every day! YET, YOU COULDN'T KILL A SINGLE WOMAN WITH A HUGE TRUCK?!"

She closed her eyes with irritation. "I need one more chance."

There was silence. Then, "You get one more chance, Soojoo...and make sure her bodyguard isn't with her."

"Don't worry. I can take care of that woman."

"She needs to be dead before her engagement otherwise I have a plan B in place. I much prefer if plan A happened."

"Yes, sir." She hung up.


After breakfast, Yeong-Shin called Jennie to his study.

"We are going to be holding a gala for your engagement."

Jennie blinked. "Excuse me?"

Her grandfather sighed and rubbed his forehead with exasperation. "Granddaughter...you are to be engaged to Kim Tae-hyung. In less than 2 weeks, might I add, so wouldn't you feel comfortable meeting him."

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