Trust Me

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"OMG! YOU GUYS ACTUALLY WALKED HERE?!" Rosie shouted to them.

Jisoo leaned towards Jennie and said, "The chipmunk seems excited to see us."

Jennie turned and looked at Jisoo with a smirk. "I hope the rabbit doesn't look as happy."

Jisoo rolled her eyes playfully and they walked up to Rosie.

"How is the car now?" Jisoo asked Rosie.

The blonde smiled. "Almost done. The guy offered to drive us to a hotel nearby for the night and good thing both look exhausted!"

Jennie groaned. "So tired! It's Jisoo's fault for making us walk the 4 miles! I was content to sleep on that itchy hay for another day!"

Jisoo raised an eyebrow and Jennie rubbed the back of her neck.

"Fine. I would never sleep on that again."

Rosie watched the exchange between the two of them curiously."Alright. And you guys seem fine...did you not fight?"

Jennie started to answer but Jisoo interrupted with, "We did but we concluded to be open minded for the rest of our time together."

"Ahhhh...." Rosie said thoughtfully.

The mechanic came around that time to drive them to the hotel.

Luckily, it was a good hotel and Chaesoo were able to split the bill for the rooms evenly between them since Jisoo still had her wallet.

Jennie was about to hand her card when she remembered that she dropped her purse with those kidnapping guys.

I really miss my phone...

Jisoo led them to the elevator which they took 4 floors up.

Rosie smiled and said, "I'm taking the solo one so you 2 have to share a room...are you cool with that?"

Jennie looked at Jisoo with confusion. "Why'd you only book 2?"

Jisoo flushed red and mumbled. "It was too expensive for 3 rooms for only one night. This was the best solution."

Jennie gulped. "Okay then...."

The doors dinged open and all three of them stepped out onto the floor. Rosie led the way to the rooms, down a long hallway and practically broke into hers while Jensoo followed close behind to see her stretching and smiling on her bed.

"I missed good beds!" She sighed contentedly.

Jennie shook her head with a smile and went to the neighboring room. She held her hand out for the key card.

Jisoo pulled it out and placed it in her hand.

Then didn't move it away.

Both of them stared at their hands which were against each other.

Jennie could feel heat prickle from Jisoo's fingertips on her hands.

She swallowed nervously and slid her hand from Jisoo's to open the door.

Jennie walked in and turned to the bathroom. Without looking at Jisoo, she said, "I'm going to take a shower to wash away the smell from the last 2 days."


Then Jennie rushed into the bathroom with a racing heart.


Jisoo sat on the chair beside the single queen bed and stared at the bathroom door as if she could burn holes into it.

What have I done?

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