Follow, Follow, Follow...Me?

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Jennie smiled as she walked into the library.

Any sort of library had been her home. When she was little, she couldn't go outside or play with other kids so her parents would spend time with her in the library, clearing up their busy social schedules just for her.

They would read to her, play board games, drink hot chocolate, sing and anything you could expect from a King and Queen who had basically honorary titles.

When she was born, the media had been overjoyed...but had still asked for a heir.

Jennie smiled sadly and dragged her fingers across the spines of the books in the large library.

Her parents refused to have kids after her, stating that she completed their lives already.

She sniffled and sighed. Libraries still make me sad.

She wandered through different aisles and genres before ending up in the fiction area. She skimmed for a while before pulling out a dusty book on mythological tales in South Korea.

She walked back to a table and slowly started flipping through it with eagerness.

She was smiling and enjoying herself until she heard a familiar voice say, "um...Hi..."

Jennie looked over the top of her book at the raven. She lowered the book and asked, "Do you frequent this library often?"

Jisoo waved a hand dismissively. "All the time. I even have a membership." She sat down across from Jennie.

Just then a teenager with a clipboard came over. "Ma'am...I need you to fill this out for a membership." He pointed to the historical fiction book tucked underneath Jisoo's arm.

"Oh!" She glanced at Jennie who was glaring at her.

Then cleared her throat and quietly went to work. Jennie lifted her book higher and didn't look at her once....

Except maybe to see if she was actually filling out the membership form, which she was.

Jennie heard the raven sigh and crack a knuckle so she glanced over and saw her worriedly flipping through pages and muttering under her breath.

Jennie pulled her lips in to stop from smiling.

Then a little boy came over and asked Jisoo, "Do you have any glue?"

Jisoo turned to him and gave him a warm smile. Jennie looked away but kept listening.

"Sorry honey...maybe you can ask the librarian."

The boy nodded and left running. Jennie put her book down and asked, "Do you like children?"

Jisoo seemed caught off-guard with the question but smiled easily. "Love them."

Jennie leaned forward slightly. "How many do you have?"

Jisoo widened her eyes and choked on air before looking at her. "I'm not married. I get that I'm 32 but you don't have to pull out questions like that."

Jennie nodded absentmindedly. The little boy came back and with glue and sat down next to Jisoo...on the floor.

Jisoo looked down at him. "Hey...buddy...why don't you sit on the table?"

"I feel comfortable on the floor."

Jisoo nodded and went back to the membership form. Jennie went back to her reading.

But she couldn't focus anymore, her peace was disturbed.

She shut her book quickly and stood up, leaving without saying bye.

Ask Me Out Of Love (Jensoo)Where stories live. Discover now