Open Up To Me

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Jennie nervously fidgeted with her fingers. Jisoo had been gone for 15 minutes and she was getting worried.

Jisoo's sudden reaction after Jennie told her vague suspicion definitely wasn't what she had suspected.

Then suddenly she saw her raven coming to her with bloody knuckles and her phone in hand.

She sat down next to Jennie and placed her phone in front of her. The brunette tapped on the play button of the video and she gasped.

It was Yeon Shin. All bloodied up and pride gone.

"I-I was....I arranged for...I am the one that's been trying to kill Jennie."

Jennie covered her mouth in shock as the video stopped. Her lips trembled as she said, "It was him?"

Yeon Shin had been trying to kill her. But what was shocking Jennie the most was how brutal he looked in the video.

She swallowed hard. "Did you do this to him?"

Jisoo hesitated for a moment before nodding slowly.

Jennie looked back at the screen and looked away.

She felt a hand on her arm and Jennie flinched. She heard Jisoo's low voice full of concern as she asked, "Jennie? Are you ok?"

Jennie stood up and nodded absentmindedly. "I need to...I need to go meet Tae-hyung. Stay... stay here. I'll come back."

Except she didn't. She couldn't bear that the sweet Jisoo she knew could do something like that to someone.

At the end of the party, she waited near the exit and Lisa touched her elbow.

"Jennie, are you alright? You've been avoiding Jisoo all night. Did she do something?" Her eyes narrowed.

Jennie shook her head. "I'm just tired."

Lisa frowned as if she knew Jennie was lying but wouldn't push.

Rosie came up beside Lisa with a sunny smile and Lisa only had eyes for her.

Jennie smiled and felt an ache in her chest.

A secure hand touched the small of her back and she spun around.

Jisoo was standing there with a small questioning smile as her thumb moved across her back, sending shivers down her spine.

She let go and placed a hand on her forehead. "Are you sick?"

Jennie shook her head. How could someone so gentle do something like that?

"Let's go home." She said softly and Jisoo nodded before running out to get the car.


The car ride was silent and no one spoke, just Rosie and Lisa in hushed whispers.

Jisoo sat next to her in the limo and would occasionally glance at her but Jennie stayed looking out the window.

Once the arrived at the entrance to the mansion, Jennie quickly got out and almost ran to her room.

"Jennie!" She heard the low voice she loved call out to her.

The brunette didn't turn around but ran the rest of the way to her room.

Once she was inside, she gasped in relief and rubbed her face.

Her mind was still warring with what Jisoo did.

She had known Jisoo could hurt someone, hell she had witnessed it firsthand in front of the club. But that didn't stop her from feeling....scared? Worried?

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