Pushing Boundries

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Jennie blinked her eyes open at the blinding white light shining above her. Her eyes fluttered to adjust to it and she groaned.

"Jennie?!" A soft hand held her face gently. Jennie turned her face into the comforting hand and opened her eyes.


Because of course it was. The one person that she cared for other than Lisa and Soo-young.

Concern was etched onto her face and relief was slowly washing over. The raven rubbed a thumb across her cheek and muttered, "You're okay..."

Before Jennie could raise her hand to touch hers, there were loud footsteps coming in and Jisoo pulled away quickly.

Jennie felt the cold hospital air on her cheek after Jisoo's warmth left her.

The doctor came in with a smile. "Princess! I'm so happy you're looking better!"

Jennie smiled slightly but she still felt a bit weak. "What happened?" She remembered the accident but nothing after that.

The doctor's smile dimmed a bit. "You fainted and it's been several hours since the accident. We were very worried when you would wake up. It was just the shock so don't worry." Then he smiled again. "Luckily, your bodyguard was able to bring you here where we could do tests and assess any injuries."

Jennie glanced at Jisoo who was sitting on one of the chairs with her hands clenched together and staring at the doctor.

My bodyguard....

She looked back and was about to ask when she could leave when her grandfather stormed in with a loud, "HOW DARE SOMEONE TRY TO KILL MY GRANDAUGHTER?! PRINCESS NO LESS!"

Jennie winced and saw Jisoo stand up straight.

He came beside her and asked, "Why would you go outside?!"

Jennie was incredulous. He was seriously blaming her?!

Her anger spiked and she opened her mouth to tell a piece of her mind when Jisoo said sternly, "It's not her fault..." her dark eyes drifted to Jennie. "It's mine...I-I shouldn't have left her alone...I'm the one that told her to come..." she bent forward and genuflected. Her hands resting on her knees.

Jennie felt something stab her when she saw Jisoo with all her pride and compassion, kneeling on the dirty hospital floor.


She saw Jisoo swallow and say softly, "I'll accept my punishment."

The doctor quietly left the drama unfolding and Jennie glared at her grandfather. "Leave her alone. It's not her fault for trying to be nice to me. You can't keep me inside the mansion forever...it was my fault for blaring loud music and ignoring Jisoo who was being kind."

Jisoo never once looked up but stared at the floor.

Her grandfather still shook with anger. "This will never happen again! Especially on your recklessness! You are to inherit more than 10 billion won of assets and properties! Without you, I would be your next of kin to inherit and I'm too old for it!"

Jennie nodded and watched him huff out the doors. Then she looked back at Jisoo who was still on the floor.

"Jisoo..." she said softly. "Stand up...." Baby, she added tenderly to herself.

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