Pull Me In

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Seulgi stood up when she heard the doorbell ring.

She frowned and walked to the front door to find Jennie standing there with Jisoo's purse.

Seulgi smiled but Jennie was giving her a curious look.

"Can I help you with something?" Seulgi asked.

Jennie started to say something but just held out Jisoo's purse. "She left this at the place I'm staying."

Seulgi raised an eyebrow. "Are you not from here?"

Again Jennie looked like she was going to say something but she shook her head. "I'm from South Korea. I'm just visiting my aunt and uncle."

The bear smiled and took Jisoo's worn out purse she's been using for 6 years. Seulgi smiled and said thanks.

Jennie continued to look at her with an expression. "I think....I think I've seen you somewhere..." her finger was tapping her chin lightly as she stared at Seulgi.

The bear raised her eyebrows. "Me?" She chuckled. "I'm not a celebrity, sweetheart."

"No...I've definitely seen you somewhere before...." She shook her head. "I came because it says to return the bag here...and I'm assuming she knows you?"

Seulgi grinned. "She lives here."

The brunette raised her eyebrows. "Here?"

"Why not? It's a good place for 2 journalists..." it actually wasn't. Jisoo and her were alternating between sleeping on the bed and the couch but Jennie didn't need to know that. They were close to saving up for a house anyways.

Jennie sighed and still stood by the door, not wanting to come in. Then her face lit up. "I HAVE SEEN YOU!!!"

Where could she have—NOOOOO!

Seulgi was the one who picked up the bracelet after Jennie. She mentally slapped herself and chuckled weakly. "What-what do you mean? Where?"

"At the restaurant! When I went to get take out! I saw you there!" Then she stepped into the house with a finger pushing into Seulgi's shoulder.

"But I didn't see Jisoo....WERE YOU THE ONE THAT FOUND MY BRACELET?!!! DID YOU GIVE IT TO JISOO?!!!" She was practically shouting.

Seulgi waved her hands down in a gesture to calm down. "Hey...hey...honey—"


"Ok...Jennie..." she paused and gauged Jennie's furious but silent look before continuing, "So...yes...I may have...possibly...given the jewelry to Jisoo...so that she could meet you..."


Jennie actually wouldn't have minded in normal circumstances. But she had gone home from that day in the beach with a smile, intending to say yes to Jisoo and her finding her bracelet had seemed like....fate.

Now she knew it wasn't fate...but the woman living with her.

The latter shouldn't have made her angrier than the first.

Jisoo came just then to check on all the shouting, wearing her low swung sweatpants and tank top. Her raven hair flying free.

Jennie felt her cheeks heat up slightly but she covered it up in anger. "WHAT THE HELL, JISOO?!!!"

Her eyes widened. "Hey chill! What happened—"


"What do you mean again? I didn't lie to you—"

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