Missing You & Giving Up

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Irene was hugging Nabi and pointing at Jennie on the TV but Rosie and Seulgi were looking at Jisoo's reaction.

Jisoo was beyond shocked. She was bewildered, confused, worried and...

Her heart was skipping a beat.

Because I finally got to see Jennie.

Jisoo shook her head and clutched it with both hands. "OH MY GOD! WHAT HAVE I DONE?!!"

Rosie sat next to her on the sofa. "Jisoo...I'm sure there's an explanation—"

"What?! That she has a twin or something?!"

Seulgi sat down on her other side. "I don't think so, Jisoo....I think she's the real thing."

Jisoo covered her face in her hands. "I made a horrible mistake!"

Seulgi scoffed playfully. "It can't be that bad."

She looked at Irene and said, "Can you give Nabi your phone and send her to a bedroom?"

Irene quickly did it and sat in front of Jisoo expectingly.

Jisoo raked a hand through her hair and shut her eyes. "I took her virginity."

She heard silence and she opened her eyes before she heard a unison shout of, "YOU DID WHAT?!!"


"No actually I don't." Jisoo threw her hands pointedly at the TV where Jennie was prettily smiling at all the cameras. "Because I fcking didn't know she was a princess, Seul!!! If anything, this is your fault! You introduced me to her!"

Seulgi threw up her hands. "YES! TO DATE HER! NOT SLEEP WITH HER AND LEAVE!"

Jisoo stood up and shouted angrily, "I DIDN'T LEAVE HER! SHE LEFT ME! I EVEN ASKED HER OUT!"

"When?! Before or after you slept with her?!"

Jisoo dropped her gaze to Rosie who was staring at the TV in shock.


Irene burst out laughing and all of them stared at her.

"Oh god! Are you telling me you slept with the princess? Before her debut?"

Jisoo nodded and asked Rosie to show the photos. The blonde pulled up the selfies the 3 of them took and Irene sat there slack jawed.


"YES! I KNOW! But..." she slumped back into the sofa. "At least I know why she left me. She's a princess for goodness sake! She doesn't need to tell a small-time journalist like me even the time of day!"

All of her friends stared at her with care because Jisoo's voice was laced with unexpected pain.

Rosie rubbed her arm. "Jisoo....Jennie did feel something. I'm sure of it." She pulled out her phone and showed Jisoo a picture of Jennie smiling at her with Jisoo looking at the camera. "No one looks at another person like that unless they care about them."

Irene patted her knee with a sigh. "Is that why you've been sulky since you came back? And why you didn't want to talk about it?"

Jisoo nodded and she heard Seulgi sigh before sitting next to her again.

"I'm sorry Jisoo. It's not your fault. It's Jennie's. She's the one who knew everything. She should've either told you the truth or backed off. And you should stop sulking. Move on."

Jisoo looked back at the TV where Jennie was giving her beautiful gummy smile.

She chuckled weakly. "It's too late, Seulgi....I think...I don't think I can ever forget her."

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