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A man sat behind a huge desk and picked up his phone.

"Bring her in."

Then the doors across from his large study opened and a woman wearing all leather walked in. Sunglasses covered her eyes and she had a gun holster around her waist.

The man combed a hand through his blonde hair.

"What's your name?"

The woman raised an eyebrow. "You hire a hitwoman but don't find out her name?"

The man shook his head. "Usually I use men, but this case...needs some maneuvering."

"Ok's Soojoo."

Then briefed her on what she needed to do. How she would go about things. And her end date.

"Good. Now that you know your task. Do you need anything else?"

She slowly walked over and picked up the gun on the desk. She stared at it once before disassembling it in a blink of an eye.

She threw the pieces beside her and stared at the man from behind her dark glasses.

"I don't need anything but payment. So pay me once it's over."

The blonde man nodded. "Very well. When do you plan on starting?"

Soojoo gave a cynical smile. "Tomorrow."


Jisoo did not have good sleep for the week following Jennie's argument.

And luckily, her plan had worked because Jennie seemed to have killed whatever she felt for Jisoo.

Her looks had been withering and she ignored Jisoo's words, suggestions and touches.

That last one burned the most.

When Jisoo would simply press a hand to the small of her back to steer her in the right direction, Jennie would flinch and move away.

Jisoo's hand would curl into fists before going back into her pockets.

She followed Jennie around much to the brunette's irritation. It was her job after all and what she was getting paid for. Double her salary. Jennie didn't escape her watch but kept a good distance between them.

For example, in the library, she would sit on the high, one-person ladder while the raven had to be content to stand at the bottom, watching her so that she didn't fall.

In the beginning, it was tolerable but the more time she spent with her, the more she realized her heart sang when she was near Jennie and was practically dead the rest of the time.

She didn't see Jennie smile anymore. That was also difficult. The princess didn't smile in her presence but she secretly peeked a few times during her talks with Lisa (who by the way, is a complete asshole!)

And all Jisoo could think about was: I deserve this. I hurt her. This is for the best. She can't marry anyone she likes. She has to marry advantageously.

So it was really the same day, when she woke up and brushed her teeth with her usual solemn expression.

She took a quick shower and dressed in a white T-shirt and blue denim shorts.

She stepped out of her room and started searching for Jennie.

She roamed the long, confusing hallways and didn't find any sight of her. She wasn't in the dining room but a plate was being cleaned up by the staff. She checked the library but she wasn't there as well.

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