A Dream Of You

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Jennie's lips were soft against hers and Jisoo groaned at the feel of them. After days of fantasizing about them, she had finally got to kiss those pink lips.

She leaned into Jennie's hands and kissed her back with her gentle eagerness. She placed her hands on her hips before pulling her closer against her body. Jisoo groaned at the way they fit against each other.

She kissed Jennie more deeply and sucked on her bottom lip. The brunette gave a low moan deep in her throat. Jisoo couldn't stop kissing her, couldn't stop touching her.

Each caress heightened her desire. Her body was filled with heat and arousal was pulling low in her body.

She hooked her hands underneath Jennie's knees and lifted her up.

"Jisoo!" She gasped and wrapped her legs around the raven's waist. "What-what are you doing?"

Jisoo didn't say anything and pinned the brunette against the wall before spreading kisses along her neck. Jennie sighed with pleasure and dragged her hands into Jisoo's midnight hair.

Her center was hot and throbbing against Jisoo's abdomen.

The raven lifted her head and kissed Jennie on the lips. This time she asked for permission to open her mouth and Jennie opened without hesitation. Jisoo moaned at the feeling of Jennie's warm mouth as she slid her tongue in. They kissed passionately with teeth clashing and sucking each other's lips. Jennie felt glorious and aroused.

So aroused.

Jisoo continued torturing her with relentless kisses, not even stopping for air until she rocked her body between Jennie's legs and the brunette pulled away with a gasp.

"You're so hot and your kisses are sweeter than anything I've ever tasted...." Jisoo spoke hotly as she kissed Jennie while rocking her body back and forth against her center.

"Jisoo....I...need to..."

Jisoo pressed a hand against the waistband of her pants. "I'll give it to you baby." She lightly bit the junction of her shoulder and Jennie tightened her hands in her hair. Jisoo licked the sting away with a swipe and Jennie didn't notice her hand had gone between her waistband.

Jisoo pressed a kiss to her jaw and asked Jennie as she lightly traced circles on her mound above her underwear, "Is this ok?"


Jisoo pushed her hand inside and cupped her. Jennie's eyes shot open and she held Jisoo's hand.


Jisoo froze, her eyes wide in fear. "Jennie?" She pulled her hand out and started to pull away so that she could see Jennie better but the brunette pulled her tightly against her in a hug.

Jisoo wrapped her arms around her and pressed her forehead to Jennie's collarbone, controlling her desire for her. "What happened?"

She felt Jennie swallow nervously. "I...I didn't tell you something."

Jisoo felt her heartbeat thunder. "What?"

"I'm....I'm a virgin."


There I admitted my deepest, darkest secret.

Jennie waited for Jisoo to pull away. To yell at her. To get angry at her for tempting her.

Anything but Jisoo just hugged her in silence.

She's probably shocked.

Jennie squeezed her arms around her once and said, "I'm sorry."

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