Blissful Secrets

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The next morning, Jisoo woke up in bliss.

She smiled and looked at Jennie who was sleeping soundly beside her. Her caramel brunette hair was streaked across the white pillow and her whole body was pressed against Jisoo's.

Jisoo leaned over and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

The space between her eyebrows.

The tip of her nose.

Her left cheek.

Her right cheek.

Jennie grumbled and muttered something along the lines of, "You're annoying...." Before turning away from her.

Jisoo chuckled under her breath and placed a hand against her cool back, feeling the bare skin. She ran her knuckles over it and gently moved Jennie's hair aside to place a kiss on the nape of her neck.

She pulled herself closer and pressed a kiss to her shoulder and the crook of her neck, trying to wake her up.

She slid her hand over her waist and traced small circles on her stomach. Jisoo pressed her front against Jennie's back with careful ease.

She smiled and spooned Jennie.

Maybe I can wait a bit more to wake her up...


When Jisoo woke up again, it was almost 9:30 in the morning.

Jennie never slept past 10am so it would be suspicious if she did.

Jisoo spun Jennie onto her back and smiled at the cute frown she had on her face.

She poked Jennie's Mandu cheek. Then her other one.

She was still in deep sleep.

Jisoo sighed and light slapped her face while muttering, "Jennie! Wake up!"

Instead the brunette stretched and arched her back, thrusting her breasts up until they touched Jisoo's.

Jisoo closed her eyes and tightened her jaw. If we start again, we aren't going to leave the bed for the rest of the day.

Jennie fell back down with a sigh.

After a few minutes, Jisoo smiled with an idea.

She leaned forward to Jennie's ear and bit her earlobe just like she did that day at the bus stand.

Except instead of a scream, Jennie woke up with a gasp.

Jisoo smirked. Interesting...

Her hands pushed Jisoo's strong shoulders before she glanced at Jisoo's face with surprise. Her taut body relaxed and she gave a small smile up at Jisoo.

Jennie held her face and shyly said, "Hi."

Jisoo smiled and leaned forward to give her a languid kiss, morning breath aside, she really just wanted to kiss her again.

She pulled away breathlessly. "I'm finally glad we can do the morning after which we skipped last time."

Jennie cringed. "I'm sorry."

Jisoo kissed the side of her neck and slid her arms underneath Jennie but still hovered over her. "You don't need to be sorry. When you revealed yourself as the princess, I understood."

Jennie smiled and pecked Jisoo's heart shaped lips. "What time is it?"

Jisoo pecked her lips back. "9:45."

Jennie's eyes widened. "It's almost 10?! I missed breakfast?! My grandfather is going to kill me! You have to leave right—"

"Yeah...yeah I know! Calm down!"

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