Winning Is The Same As Losing

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Jisoo was dancing with a relatively pretty girl with a light buzz humming through her from the alcohol she had drunk.

She glanced over to the bar to look at the brunette taking over her mind and body....

Except she wasn't there.

Jisoo stopped dancing and went away from the dance floor to several disappointed groans. She asked the bartender, "Where did the girl sitting here go?"

"I saw her take her stuff and leave."

Damnit! I shouldn't have left her alone!

Jisoo stumbled slightly and realized she forgot her jacket.

Jennie's going to be cold wearing what she was...

She ran back to take her jacket and checking her phone to call her when she heard someone shout, "HELP! ME!"

Jisoo ran outside and saw a man covering Jennie's mouth, who had a small tear falling down her cheek as they tried to drag her into a white van.

Jisoo went behind the man and pulled him into a chokehold so that he would let go of her.

Jennie gasped and ran to the entrance of the club, silently watching as Jisoo tightened the chokehold while the man gasped for air. Then his eyes closed and he went unconscious. She let go and he fell with a thump.

Jisoo panted out breaths and went to Jennie who was staring at the man lying on the ground in fear. Jisoo held her arm and shook her. "Jennie! It's okay! He's just unconscious! Are you okay?! Who are these men?!"

Jennie just slowly raised her eyes. She seemed to be in some disbelieving shock. Then her eyes widened. "JISOO! BEHIND YOU!"

Jisoo pulled her and Jennie away just in time for a man to shatter the entrance door's glass with his punch. Jisoo held Jennie behind her as the huge man came for them.

Jisoo rushed forward with a determined expression and grabbed him around the waist in a tackle. He stumbled back and she slammed him into the brick wall of the club. She heard a loud crack as the man hit the wall and fell to the ground.

Jisoo swallowed and looked around as another man stepped out of the van, this time with a white cloth probably with chloroform on it to knock them out.

Jisoo held Jennie behind her as a shield between the men trying to kill her. She turned her head to the side but didn't take her eyes off the man slowly approaching them.

"Jennie! You need to find someone to take us! If we take my car, they'll find us easily!"

"I need to go back to Seoul! If these men came after me, my only protection is back home!"

Jisoo cursed and made sure her wallet was her back pocket before taking out the pepper spray from the same pocket. She rushed forward and sprayed the man in the eyes. He screamed and dropped everything to rub it out of his eyes and he stumbled over the 2 unconscious men while still screaming.

Jisoo grabbed Jennie's wrist in a tight lock before running with her off into the dark remote roads of Jeju. Luckily they were both wearing sneakers so it was easier.

Jennie was panting behind her and had a wild look in her eyes as they ran down the road with Jisoo holding her wallet and jacket in one hand and Jennie's smooth skinned hand in her other.

They finally pulled up to a bus stop and sat down. Jisoo sat down with her and they were both panting.

Jennie looked at Jisoo with bewildered eyes and heavy breaths. "Did you just....beat up....3 guys?!"

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