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5 years later....

Jisoo sat at her desk typing away. She one more article to finish before she got to go home.

She checked the time at the edge of her computer screen.


She sighed. Jennie was probably already back from the hospital by now. Her shifts have lately gotten slightly smaller. She left at 7 in the morning but came home by 5:30.

Normally Jisoo loved it and would immediately kiss her or make something for her.

But it was days like this, when she was stuck finishing up an article and she was home alone, that she hated.

She opened up a file for a picture and added it before typing up the title.

"The 5th Anniversary of the Abdication of the Royal Throne of Seoul."

She made a few edits and and hit publish.

Everyone had already left, including Seulgi who went home to her happy wife Irene.

It was quite the scene when Seulgi asked out Irene while they were still at work. There were whispers but Seulgi didn't care, the same way her and Jennie didn't.

She smiled and remembered when she came to work after the whole debacle in Seoul.


Jisoo smiled and walked into work.

Everyone looked up from their screens and stared at her.

Seulgi was at her desk with a smile and Irene was standing next to her with a comforting smile as well.

Then suddenly she was mobbed and asked all sorts of questions.

"How did you meet the princess?!"

"How did you know about her sexuality?!"

"What happens to the throne?!"

"What's like being with the princess?!"

"Is she as beautiful as she is on TV?!"

Jisoo smiled and rattled off, "At her house. She kissed me. She abdicated with no heir so there's nothing left. She's wonderful! And she's 10 times more beautiful in person!"

Everyone blinked at her then cheered and started jumping up and down.

"Omg! We need to market this!"

"We need to post multiple articles right now!"

"Let's get a party ready!"

Jisoo smiled as they went off to do what they were discussing. She went to her desk and sat down next to Seulgi who smiled and Kai who was frowning and sitting next to her, pointedly avoiding eye contact with her.

She leaned closer to Kai and said, "Kai...hi..."

He turned his face to her with a blink.

She smiled smugly, "What was it you said to me that day?...hmmm..."

He turned red and looked away.

Jisoo's eyes brightened and she said, "You told me: 'Everyone knows the princess lives her happily ever after with a prince.' Huh. I don't think I'm a prince."

He sighed. "Jisoo, I'm so—"

She smiled and said brightly, "You said something else too...."

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