The Encounter

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Seulgi smirked and tapped her best friend's shoulder. "You good there?"

Jisoo blinked and pulled her eyes away. "Y-yeah I'm fine."

She turned to walk away but hesitated for a beat and looked back at the woman grinning up at the light rain with her eyes blissfully closed.

She looked at Seulgi. "Do you you think if I walked up to her house...she would reject me?"

"100%." Seulgi responded confidently.

Jisoo turned back to the brunette but she was gone.


Jennie playfully moved her hands in the rain before shaking them and walking back inside.

Soo-young came up to her room with a smile. "How is it? Is it fit for a princess?"

Jennie rolled her eyes and said, "You know it's only true if the public believes it...and according to the public I'm a myth", while remembering a dumb article she had read a few days before her 18th birthday.

Soo-young jumped on the bed. "Well...what do you intend to do now that you're here?"

"Maybe I can finally get to be a normal person....without having people hovering over me 24/7."

Soo-young chuckled. "That's a good plan."

Jennie smiled and reached for her bracelet on her wrist to unclasp it.

The one her mother gave her.

She frowned and felt there again. Jennie lifted her hand and fear settled in on her.

"It's gone!"


"Of course, she's gone! Do you think she'll stay there forever like a statue?" Seulgi said once Jisoo turned to her with a small pout.

The raven started to say something but Seulgi kept going.

"She would definitely reject you. That's why I picked up this" she pulled out a small gold bracelet from her pocket "when I saw her drop it."

She pulled Jisoo's hand and placed it in her palm.

Jisoo's widened her eyes. "I'm scared. How did you do all this?"

"Well, I was coming home from getting takeout for you and I passed her eating outside. And as soon as she finished eating, she threw her plate in the recycling and her bracelet fell near there. I wasn't actually stalking her...I wanted to give it back to her because it seemed valuable but she was already driving off. But as I drove behind her, I had a great idea!" She raised an eyebrow at Jisoo.

The other woman sighed.

"So I found her address, DROVE ALL THE WAY BACK FOR YOU!!! AM I NOT THE BESTEST FRIEND OR WHAT?!!" She punched Jisoo's shoulder and Jisoo groaned in pain.

Lately, her and Seulgi had been taking kickboxing classes to help with workouts since they sit at their desk all day, every day. Seulgi had gotten better at punches.

"Now go." She pushed Jisoo slightly and Jisoo looked at her bewildered.

"Excuse me?! Wha-I-I-Wait...WAIT A MINUTE! I CAN'T GO THERE NOW!"

Seulgi wiped her face of the rain drops and flicked a petal off Jisoo's shoulder. "What do you mean? You like her, right?"

"YES!" Jisoo replied incredulously. "BUT I'M NOT GOING TO GO THERE NOW!"

"Why? Are you scared?"

"NO!" She tightened her fist around the bracelet. "I'm just..." she looked at the gold chain with a small heart locket attached to it "I don't think I'm ready."

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