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Ship: Minho x Chan
Fluff with a bit of angst

Minho has never called Chan hyung. And will he ever, no. As much as Chan wants him to call him hyung, he won't force him to. His choice not his.

Until one day he did.

Everyone was awake while Minho was still asleep. Well they thought he was asleep. Minho was no where near asleep.

He was on his phone looking at the hate comments he was receiving. Talking about how fat he's getting and being to mean to his members.

He didn't know people thought he was actually being mean and that's how he always treats them. He loves his members, they're like a family. It was just him joking around with them.

And him getting fat, he has been thinking he's been eating to much. Maybe he should go on a diet is what he thought to himself.

The more Minho saw hate comment, the more he kept looking at them.

'Am I the only one who noticed him getting fatter'

'Ew he's the only member of skz that's looks ugly and fat'

'Is anyone ever gonna discuss him being hella rude to his members'

'Atp he should js leave the group 😂'
1 reply:
'OMG EXACTLY!! He should leave'

Minho was holding back his tears the more he kept looking at them. Maybe he should listen to them and leave, loose some weight, change his personality.

"It's all because of me they keep getting hate" he said to himself. He was on the verge of breaking down but he couldn't. Him crying would only make him feel even worse about himself.

Minho got off his bed and went to the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and noticed himself getting face fat. 'Maybe the fans were right, I am getting fat'

He brushed his teeth and used the toilet and headed downstairs to eat some breakfast.

"Should I skip breakfast. I mean i am getting fat and I'll only get fatter because of that...I'll skip breakfast" he told himself.

He saw the rest of the members eating or watching tv. He joined Chan, jeongin, and Felix on the couch.

"Good morning min" Chan said and the rest said good morning. "Good morning" Chan looked at him and noticed how his mood is way different than any other day.

"You okay" Chan asked and Minho nodded his head. Chan muttered an ok and put his focus back on the tv.

Chan still worried about Minho, so he gave a few glances at him to see any shift of mood or anything of the sort.

'Well it's only the morning, hes probably just really tired' Chan thought to himself. So he stopped worrying and looked back the the tv.

It was around 8:36 and Minho had been so occupied on his phone looking at the hate comments or videos.

Chan did get a bit suspicious. For mostly the whole entire day he had been on his phone. And whenever someone walked passed him, he'd just hide his phone.

Changbin had pulled Chan by the arm by surprise to his room, we're the rest of the members were except for Minho.

"What's going on and where's min" Chan asked and Changbin told him to be quiet. "That is who we are gonna be discussing about" Felix said with his voice being a bit sad.

"What do you mean" Chan had obviously been a bit confused to this whole entire situation. But he doesn't think he's the only one knowing Minho's shift of mood.

"Well obviously something is wrong with Minho. When I tried to pass him he'd hide his phone. Me and seungmin just joked he's having a secret boyfriend until jisung saw him looking at hate comments of himself. So we had to tell you about this. Please help him, I mean we know we can but your the one who knows how to word these things right. And your his only hyung, his hyung should help him out with this"

Chan's heart shattered hearing this about Minho. He absolutely loved Minho and everything about him. And the fact that they're "fans" were writing about this just got him pissed off.

"Thanks for telling me, I'm going to him right now" Chan immediately went downstairs were Minho was sitting on the couch on his phone.

"Minho, come over here please" Chan said with a soft tone. Minho walked over to him and looked a bit confused. "Yes Chan" he said while tilting his head.

Chan knew this wasn't the moment to coo over Minho but he was so cute when he tilting his head. But he got back to his senses and patted down to the seat next to him.

"Minho...you don't need to tell me everything ok. But I'm just asking what you keep doing on your phone. Please don't lie to me" Chan asked keeping a soft tone.

Minho lowered his head and kept his hands on his lap. "I...I'm looking at the comments about me" Chan nodded his head and asked another question. "What do they say min" Minho put more pressure onto his hand.

"Hate comments...about me" Minho felt his throat tightening over him holding his tears. "Min...why didn't you tell me" Chan said getting a bit sad. "Because I didn't wanna be a burden" Minho said.

"Minho don't look at those comments anymore. They have no idea what they're talking about. Those people don't even know you so they have no room to talk. If they're talking about how mean you are, you aren't. You are the kindest soul ever that god has made. You are a precious bean in my life and without you, stray kids wouldn't be complete. Those haters are just a way to bring you down but remember there are still people who love you and one of those people are me and the rest of stray kids."

Now Minho did break down. Tears were pooling down his eyes and it was never ending. His barrier has broke down. He never cries until today.

"Hyung...t-thank you. I couldn't help but k-keep reading them. They were sa-saying how mean I was and that I'm getting fatter" Minho said with tears still falling down.

Chan pulled him to a hug and patted his back. "Your hyung is here for you" Chan told him. He kept saying reassuring words to make him feel a bit better.

He stopped crying in a few minutes and Chan heard sniffling. "Thank you hyung, seriously." Minho said while getting off the hug.

He wiped a bit of tears off his cheek. "No problem min" Chan gave him a forehead kiss and Minho laid his head on chan's shoulder.

He fell asleep there and Chan picked him up and carried him to his bed. He put him on his bed and got him comfortable.

He gave him another kiss but on his cheek. "Sweet dreams min" he softly closed his door.

The day ended with Minho's cheek tinted with a bit of pink and Chan happy he talked to him about this and that he called him hyung.

First one shot and I'm happy with it. It was cute for me and first ship outside of minsung!

Have a nice day, love you lots!!! Bye <3

- poppy out

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