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Recommended by AnjuDatta2
Ship: Jeongin x Minho

Jeongin loves to tease Minho at school or anywhere he sees him. Now if your wondering why, I'll tell you!

Jeongin finds it so cute how he gets mad, he looks like a angry kitten. But when he teases him in a flirtatious way, he loves how he gets so flustered.

Jeongin has a crush on Minho, so his way to show it is by teasing him. And he absolutely loves doing that.

Meanwhile Minho hates it. He has a HUGE crush one Jeongin and him only teasing him is making it worse.

As much as he actually loves it deep down in his heart, he doesn't wanna show it. And he's never gonna show it.

Right now, Minho and his friends are going to the carnival. And to his luck, Jeongin was with him.

As much as he was happy about it, he was also nervous. He knew Jeongin was gonna tease him most of the time. But of course, Minho was gonna secretly like it.

Minho and Jisung walked over to the bumper cars as they really wanted to go on those. Minho thought it was only gonna be them two until Jeongin came over here and put his arm over his shoulder.

"You guys gonna go on the bumper cars?" He asked and jisung nodded his head. "Gonna join" Jeongin nodded and Minho was slowly dying by himself.

"Hey baby" Jeongin whispered in his ear. Minho turned around and smacked him right onto the shoulder. "Don't do that" Minho said while his face was turning red.

"But your turning red, why so grumpy" Minho was getting more and more red. 'Why did he have to come' Minho wanted to die.

It was their turn now and those 3 got inside their cars. Jeongin was looking straight at Minho. And Minho knew he was gonna target him.

"Ok it's ready!" The controller announced and everyone started driving their cars. And as soon as he moved Jeongin pushed his car straight to the wall.

Minho flipped him off and drove straight to Jeongin and bumped to his car so rough. Han was just laughing in the distance while ge was getting pushed by 10 yr olds.

Jeongin and Minho were at each others throats. A never ending bumping each others car and cursing at each other.

The people spectating it thought it was so funny but at the same time it was cute. They looked so adorable arguing with each other.

The fun had soon ended though. They all got out of the cars and were all tired, especially Jeongin's and Minho's throat.

"Damn I was getting pushed by little kids" Minho and Jeongin laughed at him and jisung flipped them off. "And the whole entire time yall were just flirting" jisung walked away grumpily.

"WE WERE NOT FLIRTING HAN" Minho screamed and Jeongin chucked at me. "I mean..." Minho quickly shushed him up and they both walked to a good stand.

"What do you want min" Minho was looking at the food choices and decided to pick the hotdog. Jeongin ordered two hotdogs and payed for them.

Few minutes and their hotdogs were ready. Jeongin got up and grabbed them and sat back down with Minho. "Here you go" Jeongin gave one hotdog to Minho and the other for him.

They both bit out of it at the same time and satisfied with how it turned out. "This is pretty good honestly" Jeongin said and Minho nodded his head to show he agreed.

Their was a moment of silence, but it wasn't an awkward silence, it was a comfortable one. Eating their hotdogs in peace and humming out of how delicious it is.

Jeongin finished his first and decided on staring at Minho. Jeongin was looking at him so intently, noticing the pretty features of Minho.

Minho felt the stare Jeongin was giving him. He was to shy to look up so he kept his head down and continued eating.

"Your so cute minho" Minho looked up and his ears were getting red and jeongin quickly noticed that. "You too..." Minho said lowly.

"What did you say, I couldn't hear you" Minho knew he was teasing him and just wanted to hear it again. "I said you too.." Minho kept his head down while saying it.

Jeongin smiled and wanted to continue teasing him. "Couldn't hear you~" Minho looked up at him annoyed with this teasing.

"I said you too!!" Minho kinda screamed it but not to loud for most people to weirdly stare at him.

Jeongin chuckled at Minho and walked over to him. "I feel like this is the right time to do it after a long time" Minho looked at him confused and a lot of things were roaming around his head.

"What do you mean.." Jeongin smiled at how cute Minho looked and got on one knee and put one hand on his pocket.

"Well I don't really know how to do these things, uhm but for the longest time I've been teasing you. And I absolutely love doing it because your reaction is so cute. But through the teasing I've been giving you hints that I thought you would have already figured out by now. Well I'll say what I need to say, I absolutely love you Minho and I want you to be my boyfriend"

Jeongin was nervous and his hands were sweating. He was holding onto the gift he had inside his pocket and waited for Minho's answer.

"Oh Jeongin, of course I'll be your boyfriend" Minho went over to him and gave him a hug. Jeongin pulled out and gave him a long sweet loving kiss.

Jeongin pulled out the gift from his pocket, a necklace, and put it on Minho. Once he put it on Minho observed it and absolutely loved it.

"I love this necklace so much, thank you Jeongin" Minho went back to Jeongin and gave him another hug.


- poppy out

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