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Recommended by Laxhieche
Ship: Skz x Minho

Minho is what you call 'innocent.' He doesn't understand those dirty stuff most people know. And his friends were gonna keep it that way.

"Hey Minho!" Jaeyun yells to him. Jaeyun is his partner for the chemistry project. "Oh hi Jaeyun!" Minho says back.

"So where do you wanna meet up for the project" Jaeyun asks leaving Minho to think for a spot. "We can do it at my house...if you want" Jaeyun nods his head and ask another question.

"Right after school" Minho nods his head and that's when Jaeyun takes his leave. Minho looks over at a flower and skips his way over there.

Minho picks the flower up and observes it so intently. "Pretty flower" he told himself. Minho received a tap to his shoulder. He looked over and saw Felix.

"Oh hi lixie!!" Minho said with pure joy in his voice. "Hi Minnie" Felix said while picking up the flower in Minho's hand.

Felix puts the flower on top of his ear. Minho giggles to himself and takes a quick picture of himself.

"You look so cute Minnie" Minho giggles again and mutters a small 'thank you.' "So what are you doing after school Minnie, me and everyone else are gonna go to the arcade" Felix says.

Now Minho is pouting because he wants to go with them but he has to do a project with Jaeyun after school.

"Aw why are you pouting princess" Minho pouts even more. "Because I wanna go but I gotta do a project after school" Minho puts his arm over his chest and lowers his head.

"Don't worry pumpkin, we can go another day" Minho quickly puts his head up and screams a 'yay' with Felix smiling at him.

"Ok we gotta go Minnie, class is about to start" Minho and Felix get up and grab their things and head to class.

School has ended and Minho packs up his stuff and walks out of the classroom. He waits outside for Jaeyun and decides to waste his time texting his friends.

Jaeyun a bitch and can choke a dick:

why did you guys
name the gc that ( 。 •̀ ᴖ •́ 。)

Cuz he is one
he's literally a whole
ass bully

Hey no cursing
when min is here

Exactly ji, he's
to pure to say those

It's ok sungie!!
I don't really care ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )

Well if he does anything
weird tell us immediately

Exactly, that kid
does...uhm weird

Yes weird things

Wdym weird
things?? º^º

Well he uh
is js weird

It's hard to explain
but he's js weird

Oh okk but I
gtg I see him
BYEEE ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و

Minho turns off his phone and waves at Jaeyun. Jaeyun waves back at him and whispers something in his friends ear.

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