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Ship: Jisung x Minho
Fluff and comedy

"Minhooo can you please date me" Jisung begged and even went on his knees. Minho stared at him as if he was dumb and later giggled. "Desperate bitch" Jisung got up and gasped.

"What do you mean desperate bitch" Jisung put his hand over his heart and shook his head. "You've been begging me to be your boyfriend for at least two weeks. Kinda sounds like desperate" Minho shrugged and walked away.

"Hey don't go, you like me too so why aren't we dating yet" Jisung pouted and Minho rolled his eyes. "You keep flirting with other people while you continuously ask me to be your boyfriend"

Minho put his arms over his chest and stared at him. "Well to bad I don't have a reason. But either way, I'll stop once we're dating" Minho stared and stood like a mother not believing their child's lie.

"We can start dating once your certain you'll stop flirting with other people" And with that Minho walked away leaving Jisung upset.

"Brooo he won't just date me. He told me he crushed on me for two years but won't even say yes to my confession" Jisung groaned and cried on his bed.

Hyunjin, his best friend laughed and shook his head. "Your funny jisung, but he is right. You need to stop flirting with other people because how can he not get worried of you cheating on him"

Jisung looked up and stared at Hyunjin. "Your right.." Jisung said while pouting. Hyunjin laughed at him and brought him over for a hug.

"Now tomorrow, your gonna look presentable and no more girls and boys and only focus on your one and only love. " Jisung got up and nodded with galaxies all over his eyes.

Minho woke up sleep and got ready for school. It kinda sucks for him because as soon as he wakes up all he can think about it Jisung.

Sure he likes him, but he can't help but think he might cheat on him once they start dating. So he's gonna stay stubborn and wait till he changes his ways.

He got brushed his teeth and got changed. After that he did his hair and put on light makeup and went downstairs to go eat.

Once it was about time to go, he put on his shoes and grabbed his bookbag and left. "Time to see jisung."

He arrived to school and went inside his class. He sat down and took out the materials for class like a good student he is. He started writing his name and date.

Everything went smoothly until he turned to his right and screamed.

"Jisung you can't just pop out like that" Jisung jumpscared him and almost gave Minho a heart attack. Jisung laid his cheek on his hand and smiled at him with heart eyes.

"Can you leave" Jisung opened his mouth and felt very offended. "Is that all you say, you don't notice anything different" Jisung said and stood up to show his new blue hair.

"No, now leave" Jisung stomped his feet and wanted to pull his hair out. "Seriously, I changed my hair color just for you and you didn't even notice. I needed to look hot and blue makes me look hot" Minho rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"I did notice so stop getting mad and you do look hot" Jisung face changed completely, to heart eyes, to sad, to angry and then to happy. Jisung went on his knees and coughed.

"Ok Minho, when I say this I mean it. I've changed my ways. I've turned into a new person and stopped talking to other people. I've realized that I've been wasting my time on other people and that you are my one and only love. So I'll say this again. Can you please be my boyfriend"

Jisung was internally praying, hoping Minho says yes. "Jisung, no." Jisung looked up and was about to cry. "How about for 4 days I don't see you flirting with anybody, then I'll be your boyfriend. Deal"

Minho took out his hand for jisung to shake and Jisung got up and shook his hand with delight and enthusiasm.


Minho didn't really think Jisung could last for 4 days but boy was he wrong. Today was Friday and this would be his last day. And he wasn't flirting or hanging out with other people except for his friends.

Minho was pretty proud of jisung completing the 4 day challenge. So at the end of the day he was gonna be the one asking and begging for him to be his boyfriend instead of Jisung.

It was last period and class was about to end in 2 more minutes. Two minutes might seem a little but it's a lot for Minho.

"Alright class is over, y'all can leave now" Minho packed his stuff quickly and ran out the classroom and waited outside for jisung.

It took a few minutes for him to find jisung and he walked over to him. "Hi M-" Minho dragged him away from his friends and stood by the tree where nobody can see them.

"What's got you so rushed Minhoo~" Jisung chucked and Minho rolled his eyes. "Ok so for like 4 days I didn't really expect you to pass it. But boy was I wrong"

Jisung laughed and motioned for Minho to continue. "So instead of you saying and begging it, it's my turn now. So, jisung would you like to be my boyfriend" Minho said.



Jisung laughed and went closer to Minho and he grabbed his face. "Min I was joking, of course it's a yes" Jisung and Minho smiled to each other and went in for a kiss.

"EVERYONE THEY'RE DATING" Minho and Jisung looked over to who said that and it was hyunjin, of course.

Hyunjin clapped and jisung laughed. "CONGRATS!" Hyunjin kept cheering and other people who heard also cheered.

Minho looked over at jisung and smiled and also gave a little cheer. And jisung was also happy after finally being Minho's boyfriend.

- poppy out

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