Not a chapter

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Im sorry I haven't been updating, my mind went completely blank. Also I'm hoping for more requests bc my mind ain't working rn.

I promise I'll update in 2 more days bc tmrw imma be busy and today I was hella tired. I had to do an inspection today and I had to stay standing outside in the hot sun for almost 2 hours.

I might as well tell you this, I got to military school and man they be killing the shit outta me. I'm pretty used to it by now but today was smth else.

And since this ain't a chapter I might as well just say, GO READ MY OTHER BOOKS 👹👺. Man I'm joking, you don't really have to i js wanted to say that 😭

But if y'all wanna read can 🤭 that's just me tho

But if y'all ever wanna ask me questions of me irl I'm down for it, except age, that is the one thing I don't want people to ask. It's not bc I'm young or old it js feels weird for me to say it, yk? Yea u yk

Anyways bye, love y'all ;)

- Poppy xoxo 🫶🏻

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