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Recommended by Hope_WinterBear
Ship: Minho x Jisung x Felix
Bit of angst, smut, fluff

Minho had a crush on Felix and Jisung for the longest time. As much as he wants to confess he runs away from those feelings because he feels like they don't like him back.

Minho has a huge fear of rejection so he gave up on ever confessing his feelings. He also doesn't want to humiliate himself so he keeps those feelings closed. And he'd only keep those feelings close is if he distanced himself from them.

But it's hard, he is so attached to them and whenever he sees them his heart starts fluttering and he can't control the blush forming onto his face.

He just wishes he can control his feelings and let them fly away. But he can't, his feelings are so strong for them it won't ever go away.

But one thing Minho doesn't know is that Felix and Jisung also feel the same way. And they speculate that Minho might also feel the same way.

They both could tell due to Minho always blushing at them whenever they're around him. He's way more quiet and shy when we hang out and when we leave he becomes way more talkative.

At first they thought it was because he felt uncomfortable with them but noticing how his ears are always red, they guessed he probably liked them.

Also he said it in the bathroom when he thought he was alone.

Minho was walking home by himself today and Jisung and Felix both joined him on the walk. Minho didn't notice them and continued walking while playing with his keychain.

Jisung and Felix thought it was adorable how he was playing with his bunny keychain. Felix was silently laughing and Jisung used a shush signal.

Jisung walked closer to Minho and whispered in his ear. "Boo" Minho jumped and screamed while looking behind himself, trying to figure out who did that.

Once he saw who did it, his ears and cheeks started turning red and he put his head down to hide the blush. "Want us to walk you home?" Felix said and Minho could only nod. He was to shy to speak.

The walk home was filled with laughter mostly because of Felix and Jisung bickering. Minho had absolutely forgot he wanted to distance himself from them.

They arrived to Minho's home and he unlocked the door to his house. Minho lives alone because his parents live in a different state and Minho wanted to do his studies in Korea.

"You have such a pretty house minmin" Felix said and Minho blushes at the nickname. "Thanks.." Minho whispered but it was still audible for the other two.

Minho led the two boys to his room and felt a bit awkward as he didn't really know what to do. Felix and Jisung were looking around his room fascinated at how cute it is.

"Your room is so cute" Jisung said and Minho muttered a small 'thank you.' He sat down on his chair and put his work for school on the desk.

"Minho can we ask you something" Felix said and Minho nodded his head. "Do you have a crush on anyone" Minho froze to what he was doing and nodded his head yes.

"May I ask who?" Felix asked again. Minho bit the inside of his cheek and shook his head no. Felix led out an 'ok'.

"Would you ever ask them out" Jisung asked. Minho again shook his head and jisung tilted his head. "Why not?" Minho was playing with his fingers showing he was a bit nervous.

"I'm scared they might say no" Felix mouth formed into a pout and got a bit sad. "Why do you think that" Minho looked up and quickly averted his eyes somewhere else.

"Intuition" Felix and Jisung shook their head and smiled at Minho. "Minho...why do you think we don't like you back.." Minho put his head up and widened his eyes. "How'd you know..." Minho was on the verge of tears now.

"Minho it was a bit obvious" Minho shook his head and got up to hide in the bathroom. But jisung grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"Minho don't run away, we both feel the exact same way towards you too. Please don't run away" Minho eyes were turning a bit glossy and bit his lip. "We could proof it to you right now" Felix said while putting a smirk.

Minho was confused and didn't understand how they were gonna proof that. "How..?" Felix grabbed his arm and carried him onto the bed and laid him down.

Felix and jisung got up on the bed and Felix kissed his forehead. Minho finally understood what they were talking about and turned fully red.

"Is it okay if we do it, you can tell us when to stop if you feel uncomfortable" Jisung and Felix wanted to get consent first instead of initiating what they wanted to do.

"No it's ok, I wanna do it. I'm sure don't worry" Felix and jisung nodded their heads and pulled down Minho's pants slowly. "Where's the lube" Felix asked and Minho pointed at the drawer next to them.

Felix got up and grabbed it and spread it all around his fingers. Jisung had already taken off his underwear and you could see his pretty little butt.

"You ready baby" Felix asked and Minho nodded his head. Felix sticked a finger up his ass and kept thrusting onto it. He then put 2 then 3 and kept thrusting.

While Felix was doing that Minho pulled down jisung's pants and underwear and put his hand over his dick. He was doing it extra slow to tease jisung.

Jisung noticed that and pushed Minho's head softly to his dick and Minho moaned into the dick sending vibrations which led to jisung groaning.

At first Minho was giving kitten licks and looked up at Jisung which made him feel so hard. Now he started bobbing his head and going deep inside his throat.

Suddenly Minho moaned and felt Felix put his dick inside his ass. Jisung threw his head to the headboard and grabbed Minho's hair.

He was thrusting into Minho's mouth until he felt himself about to cum. Felix sat Minho down on his lap and let Minho ride him.

Minho was bouncing up and down on his dick and Felix groaned and roamed his hands around Minho's ass.

Jisung finally cummed inside Minho's mouth and Minho made sure he had every ounce of his cum. And Felix and Minho cummed at the exact same time letting it squirt all over the bed sheets.

Minho laid down flat on the bed and jisung got up to get towels to clean him up and Felix was trying to find new bed sheets.

Jisung cleaned him up and carried him to the shower. And Felix had found new bed sheets and changed it into new ones.

Felix walked inside the bathroom and went inside the shower. In the beginning they were playing around and giggling with each other.

But soon that bathroom was filled with moans again.

And in the end they became boyfriends!

Why did I take so long to write this, also do you think this chapter feels rushed. I promise I really took my time writing this.

- poppy out

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