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Got the idea from RC-MIVA
Ship: Jeongin x Minho
Angst with a bit of fluff at the end

"P-please stop" Minho said while sobbing. He had been begging at Jeongin to stop punching him but he wouldn't budge.

"Shut the fuck up ugly ass bitch" Jeongin said while giving him another punch in the face. "I hope you fucking kill yourself"

And with that Jeongin kicked him in the face making Minho knock out. Jeongin chuckled staring at Minho as if he was pathetic.

"Weak ass"

"JEONGIN" His mother yelled from downstairs. Jeongin rolled his eyes already expecting what's going to happen and went downstairs.

"What" Jeongin stared at her and his mother went up infront of him showing him a report. "Why does it say you're bullying your own classmate" Jeongin sighed.

"I don't know, maybe because I'm bullying a classmate" His mother was absolutely furious and smacked him right in the face. "Who made you think this is cool or something right to do. When people bully other students, it's absolutely sickening"

Jeongin sticked out his tongue in the corner of his mouth and chuckled. "Then why are you married to a bully" The mother stood quiet and sighed. "What do you mean.."

"Stop acting as if I don't know. You know father bullied people when he was young and he still does and you still love him. Then you proceed to get mad at me but won't get mad at your own husband. I know what I'm doing is wrong but father is completely oblivious"

The mother rubs her temples and puts the report on the table and walks away. Jeongin watches her as she walks away and shakes his head.

"Why am I doing this"

Jeongin pulled out his phone and called Felix. "Can I stop by your place" He heard him say yes and said thank you and hanged up.

He put on his shoes and grabbed his bag and left the house. He walked to Felix's house since he lived nearby and arrived in just a couple of minutes.

He knocked on the door revealing a happy Felix. "Hi my little baby bread, come in. Hyunjin and Jisung are also here" He nod my head and walk in.

He takes off my shoes once he enter and both of the boys walk upstairs to Felix's room. "HI JEONGIN!" Jisung said and Hyunjin ran up to him to give him a warm hug.

"So how's it going with your crush" Jeongin freezes a bit and snaps out and smiles at Hyunjin. "It's going..well" Hyunjin ruffles his hair and smiles. "That's good"

"I actually have a question from my friend. I don't know what to do because I've never been in this situation so I thought maybe you would know..or something"

"Oh ask away" Jisung said and patted a spot right next to him so he can sit down. Jeongin walked up on the bed and sat next to Jisung.

"So uhm, my friend is a bully. I know, I know It's bad thing but the person he's bullying...he has a crush on him. But that's the only way his crush can actually talk to him or notice him. It's already been a long time since he bullied him and he doesn't know how to stop or convey his feelings another way. So...how would you help him."

The three boys stare at him and sigh. They knew he was talking about himself but they didn't want him to know. So they went along with it.

"I think it's better for the bully to say sorry or give the best apology he has and start a friendship which could maybe lead to a relationship" Felix says and the other two boys nod.

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