'Hate Comments'

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Recommended by neolvrrrrx
Ship: Jeongin x Minho
Fluff and angst

Stray kids new album, "S Class," just got released and now are in the middle of promotions. Everyone was so happy they were doing well with the new album and absolutely enjoyed everything.

Except one person.

Minho kept getting hate comments. He was looking at some of his performances for S class and it was filled with hate comments towards him.

'Nah bro really tried to look hot. He failed miserably'

'Why do people waste time looking at this plastic ugly person. His fancam ain't even worth watching'
12 replies

'Ew why does he dance like that'
4 replies

'Is it me or does he look a lot more fat'

'Bro needs to loose weight'

'Omg I think his pants are about to break, I think we can all see that his weight is to much for those pants'
23 replies

'Jump off a bridge and everyone will be happy'
68 replies

Minho cried reading through all the hate comments. It was filled and whenever he saw videos of him it would be filled with people saying he looks ugly or needs to loose weight.

He cried himself to sleep until he would pass out of exhaustion. He kept thinking maybe they were right. He has been thinking he'd been gaining weight and maybe it's time to loose some.

His fans know what's best. All he wants to do is make stay happy. So why does it have to be this difficult.

"MINHO COME DOWN AND EAT" Chan yelled from downstairs. Minho didn't really wanna eat but he doesn't wanna make his members sad about it.

His friends make sure everyone eats and always stays healthy. He could just lie about it and say he's already full of something but he doesn't wanna lie to them.

He forced himself to go downstairs and put on a smile. "Ooh it's smells good" Minho said. "I know, my food always smells good" Felix said making Minho laugh.

They all sat down while Felix was serving their food. Once everyone got their food they started digging in their food.

"Wow Felix, this is amazing" Felix giggled and said a thank you. "I mean he learned from the best" Minho said making Felix roll his eyes.

"Your not completely wrong tho" Felix giggled and everyone had a great feast. But Minho did want it to end quick because his body wasn't able to handle the food.

"Well imma go to sleep everyone, goodnight" Minho bid goodbye and Jeongin, Hyunjin and Jisung were the only ones left awake.

"Wanna play games" Jisung asked and the others nodded their heads. "Alright get your controllers, I ain't sharing shit" Hyunjin rolled his eyes and they got up to get their controllers.

Jeongin went to his room to find his controller but it was nowhere in there. "Where is it" Jeongin looked under his bed, his drawers, desk bro even his dirty clothes.

It was nowhere to be found.

Jeongin thought back to when he last used his controller. He really had to use his brain this time and it was gonna take a while.

"Oh I remember" Jeongin remembered the last time he used it was when he was playing with Minho.

He walked to Minhos room and opened the door. He saw Minho balled up in his bed crying. He immediately ran up to him and sat down next to him.

"Hey Minho what's wrong" Minho looked up and shook his head. Jeongin was looking around his room and his phone was still on.

He grabbed his phone and looked at all the comments shown. He gasped and looked back over at Minho.

"Don't tell me your listening to them" Minho cried even harder and nodded his head. "Come here" Jeongin spread his arms so Minho could cry on his chest.

Once Jeongin hugged him, Minho broke down even more. Jeongin's shirt was filled with tears and all he could do was comfort Minho.

"Shh baby, everything is going to be okay. I'm here with you. Those comments have no idea what they are talking about."

While Minho was crying Jeongin kept looking at them comments and got even madder at Stays. He doesn't even know if he should call them stays.

How can they tell Minho he's ugly, fat and could barely even dance. It shows how pathetic people are and only waste their time cyber bullying people they don't even know.

Once all the other members know, stays are gonna get a huge lecture.

Once Minho started calming down he got off of Jeongin's chest. "Thank you Jeongin" Minho smiled and Jeongin could only look at him with sympathy.

"Anything for you, if people keep doing this. Talk to me or anyone else. We all have your back" Minho smiled and hugged him.

"Your going to make me cry again" Jeongin laughed. "Atleast you have a shoulder to cry on" They hugged each other even harder and went to sleep together, cuddled up.

After Jeongin figured out the whole hate comments towards Minho. He had a chat with each skz members and those stays got a huge lecture.

Minho and Jeongin started dating. Minho fell first because when Jeongin told him, 'atleast you have a shoulder to cry on,' bro fell hard.

And Jeongin always crushed on him and getting closer made him fall in love even harder. Minho decided to ignore every hate comment he saw and focus on himself.

Hate comments aren't worth anyone's time. It's a way for people to let go of their insecurities and bash it on other people through the internet. And no where near is that a flex and good thing for people.

And Minho knows that those hate comments are not going to bring him down.

Nutter butters and Cinnamon rolls are the love of my life

- Poppy out

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