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Ship: Jisung x Minho
Angst, fluff, bit of smut

Jisung was going to the store where they sell hybrids. He wanted one and he was gonna get one. He opened the door to the store and one of the workers said a good morning and welcome to him.

Jisung bowed his head down and muttered a good morning and looked around to see the hybrids. Another worker came to up to him and jump scared him as the girl was standing right behind him, waiting for jisung to notice her.

"Good morning, any specific hybrids your looking for?" The young girl waited for jisung to answer as he was still in deep thought of what type to pick.

"Uhm a cat" The girl had her mouth shaped as an 'o' and signaled jisung to follow her. The stopped at a aisle with cat hybrids playing around with each other or sleeping.

"Well you can pick right here and if you have any questions, tell me and once you figure out which your gonna pick go to the the person right behind that counter and they will help you with the adoption and forms you have to sign" The girl bowed her head and walked away.

Jisung was looking around at all the hybrids and he found mostly all of them cute. It was a bit hard to decide on which he wanted. He kept looking around until he laid his eyes on this specific hybrid.

He was sitting at the corner while hugging his knees. He was observing everyone who was playing with their friends. He looked really lonely and that made Jisung sad.

He walked over to the hybrid and decided to talk to him for a bit. "Hey little kitty, why aren't you playing with the others" the hybrid looked up at him with his big eyes and jisung practically cooed.

"They don't like me.." the cat looked away from jisung and he lowered his head. "How about I adopt you, I really need someone to fill in my loneliness. Would you like that?" the cat looked up at Jisung and nodded his head while smiling.

"Ok wait here" Jisung went over to the person behind the counter and the lady looked up noticing jisung infront of her. "Did you find any hybrids?" Jisung nodded his head and pointed at the cat he was just talking to.

"Oh Minho...not really most people's pick but good choice...I guess" The lady whispered the last part which Jisung gave her a bitchy look because he obviously heard her.

The lady went over to Minho and grabbed his hand to lead him to jisung. The lady grabbed all the forms for the adoption and only lasted for a couple of minutes.

As soon as they were done jisung led Minho out and inside the car. He buckled his seatbelt and then he went inside the car and drove to Minho's new house.

Jisung unlocked the door to his house and let Minho inside first. Jisung's house was pretty big for just one person. He would've gotten an apartment but he absolutely fell in love with this house.

But in 3 days, he already felt lonely.

So with Minho here he won't feel as lonely as he was before. He wanted to start a conversation so they could get to know each other more but Minho was laying on the ground, staring into space.

"Hey Minho" Minho looked over at him and whispered a 'hi.' "Well my name is jisung and I'm 22 years old. I won't be here as much as I got to college. So please bare with me" Minho nodded his head and looked back at the black screen.

"So uhm..wanna talk about yourself?" Jisung was a bit hesitant on asking because he didn't really seem the type to wanna keep a conversation going.

"In human form, I'm 24" Minho ended the conversation with that and Jisung was left a bit awkward. "That's it..?" Minho nodded his head and looked away from jisung...again.

Jisung was a bit awkward with how it ended but he didn't wanna force a convo with Minho. So he was gonna wait till he feels more comfortable with him.

2 weeks have passed and jisung hated to admit it but he was getting pissed with Minho.

He was being such a brat to him for what goddamn reason. It's basically because of him he has so much freedom and basically a whole life.

And Minho repays Jisung by being a brat? A BRAT!? Jisung was about to throw a tantrum if it wasn't for him knowing how to control his anger issues.

Jisung thought maybe it was because it was hard to get comfortable with Minho or maybe he just had that personality and nobody taught him how to have a better one.

But everyday he was always getting that bratty attitude and jisung was getting more and more pissed off.

And today he snapped.

Minho was throwing a fit at Jisung because he told Minho he wasn't allowed to eat anymore snacks. Jisung was actually reasonable on this one.

Minho kept eating all the snacks and demanded jisung to buy more for him and not for himself. The kid was being hella selfish and not he's throwing a fit for getting scolded.

"MINHO I NEED YOU TO SHUT THE FUCK UP" Minho flinched. It was Minho's first time hearing jisung scream as he always took every tantrum Minho gave.

"Minho all you've been doing to me is giving me tantrums, demanding YOUR OWNER to buy you snacks but don't buy any for yourself. You act as if this house was yours and bought it with YOUR own money. Minho this house isn't free, I have to pay tons of money for this, so get your fucking head straight and your getting a punishment" Jisung sighed as he finished his whole paragraph.

Once Minho heard the last sentence he started shaking and his ears were lowering. Minho eyes were turning glossy, indicating he about to cry. Jisung was a bit confused over this and started getting worried once he started crying.

"I'm sorry min, I didn't mean to yell. It's just you were pissing me off. I'm so sorry min" Jisung brought him for a hug and Minho shook his head. "I'm sorry, I was just going with what my last owner said and the people at the adoption center" Minho was crying even more.

"Last owner...adoption center, min what happened?" Jisung lifted his chin and wiped his tears off. Minho's lips turned to a frown and his ears were still low.

"My old owner told me that he likes it when I have a bratty attitude because he gets hard and everyone like people with bratty attitudes. He said I should do that in order for people to like me. Whenever I started crying or I wasn't bratty enough...he would beat me and....touch me" Minho's voice started getting shaky again and Jisung's heart practically broke and shattered to pieces.

"You don't have to explain more..I get what your saying" Jisung pulled him to a hug again and let him cry all over him. He played with his hair while his other hand was soothing his back.

"You don't have to do that with me. Be your own person min, I love you with your own personality, not with what your old owner said" Minho started sniffling and looked up at jisung. "Thanks sungie" Jisung smiled at him and gave him a forehead kiss.

2 months have passed and Minho and jisung gotten super close. They were inseparable and they're gonna keep it that way.

What Jisung wasn't prepared for was Minho's heat. He knew it was gonna come one day and he wasn't prepared at all.

Until it came one day.

Minho was feeling really horrible, but not the sick kind...the heat kind. Jisung didn't really know what to do. So he asked Minho about it.

"Minho uhm, what do I do once your in heat" Minho turned red and looked away. "Uhm...sex" Jisung turned red and he was gonna do it. To only help Minho of course.

Jisung brought to Minho his bed and grabbed the lube to his fingers. He went inside him with 1 finger and started using all 4 fingers.

Once Minho was stretched he put lube on his dick and went inside him gently. He was waiting till Minho said he was ready and he said it.

He started thrusting inside him until he started cumming. Minho was a moaning mess and he finally cummed.

They laid on the bed, happy.

- poppy out

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