'cat cat cat"

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Recommend by chiaasz
Ship: Chan x Minho

"Gonna go home and you use the toilet and sprinkle all my pee~" Chan kept singing the same lines as he was on his way walking back home.

It's always great grabbing a late night snack while singing about needing to use the bathroom. He continued singing until he heard meowing.

He looked to his right and saw a black cat staring at him. "I was singing about peeing then I see a cat staring at me~" The cat continued meowing and Chan looked around to see if anyone was there.

"Hey cat, I just wanna tell you that I'm going to pick you up. I'm not a killer or anything. I'm a good person" Chan walked over to the cat and hesitantly picked it up.

"You are so cute. Felix is gonna love you" Chan continued walking and repeating the same song over and over again until he arrived to his apartment.

He took out his keys and opened the door. "Chan!" Felix went over to him but stopped as he saw Chan carrying a cat. "Did you buy me a cat" Felix smiled and Chan shook his head.

"I stole it" Felix gasped and took the cat away from him. "We're gonna get arrested" Felix looked around worriedly and looked at the cat.

"Bring it back to the owner" Felix gave Chan back the cat. "I can't. He was on the streets with no collar" Felix looked at the cat and slowly nodded his head. "So we didn't technically steal him" Chan shook his head and Felix let out a deep breath.

"It's cute" Felix went up to the cat and patted it. "It is" Felix yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Go to sleep, you have school" Felix said goodnight and walked towards his room.

"What should I name you" Chan sat down with the cat on his lap. He continued to look at it while thinking of a name. "Minho? You like that name" The cat meowed and Chan took that as a yes.

"Minho it is" Chan smiled at it and thought it would be a good idea to actually sleep this time. He rarely sleeps but for some reason this cat is making him want to have a good sleep.

"You can sleep with me on my bed" Chan picked him up and laid down the cat with him on his bed. "Goodnight Minho" Chan closed his eyes with the cat cuddling next to him.

Chan heard shuffling next to him as he was trying to go back to sleep. The noise kept getting louder and annoying to Chan and thought it was the cat being a menace.

He opened his eyes and was about to tell Minho to be quiet until he saw a random person walking around his room. "What the-" Chan adjusted his vision and then he started to realize there's a random person in his room.

He got up from his bed and punched the boy in his face. "Who are you" The stranger touched his cheek and winced in pain. He looked up at Chan and frowned.

"It's Minho"

Chan furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Minho. "Bro Minho is a cat" Minho frowned even more. "I'm a cat that can turn to a human" Chan chuckled and shook his head.

"Bffr, who are you and give me my hat" Chan grabbed his hat and screamed once he saw ears on top of his head.

"I believe you. I believe you" Chan put his hand over his heart and felt how fast it was beating. Minho's stomach growled and Minho pointed at his tummy.

"I'm hungry" Chan looked at his tum and back at his face. He saw him frowning and thought about how cute he looked. "U-uhm, I'll give you food" Chan grabbed his hand and brought him downstairs.

He looked back at him and screamed a bit once he saw a tail. "Sorry, still shocked" Chan took out some cereal for him and put it on the table. As he was also going to take out cereal for himself he forgot about Felix having school.

Chan ran upstairs and went to his room to find no Felix. Chan looked around the house and didn't find Felix. "He went with his friend" Minho said making Chan look at him.

"Why didn't he wake me up"

"I think he said...I don't want him to wake up early just for me. He needs some sleep especially since he's overworking himself" Chan sat down and sighed.

It's true, he has been overworking himself. He barely sleeps and makes sure to drop his brother off at school and goes to work right after. He then picks up his brother and works at the other job he has.

He didn't know he was worrying Felix.

"I can help you out" Minho said softly with his head down. Chan still heard him and saw how his cheeks were pinkish. "I don't need any help also the ears and tails, how are you gonna hide that" Minho looked over at him with his mouth agape.

"If I think hard enough, they can come off" Minho closed his eyes tight and put his hands as a fist, close to his chest. Chan thought he looked so cute but stupid at the same time.

But it surprisingly worked. "Oh" Chan looked impressed and ruffled Minho's hair. "Smart kitty" Minho's eyes glistened and his cheeks turned even redder as he was trying to bite down his smile.

"What can I do to help you" Minho smiled and Chan thought for a bit. "I think working at a cafe should be fine. I don't want you to do anything that's to hard" Chan looked at some cafes that are job opening.

"Oh there's a cat cafe, that should suit you" Chan showed him the place and Minho looked in awe once he saw the photos. "I want it" Chan chuckled at how cute he was and Minho grabbed his hand.

"Let's go"

"Now?" Minho nodded his head and Chan smiled. "Okay" They went inside the car and went to get Minho that job.

Few months passed and Minho and Chan have been working very well but not overworking themselves. Chan quit one job and decided to do one that wouldn't be to overworking.

Felix knows that Minho is the cat and he uses him as a little doll. Felix just thinks Minho is so pretty he wishes more people looked like him.

As Minho was working he heard the door jingle, indicating someone came in. He looked up to see the next customer and it was Chan. "Hi Chan!" Chan waved at him and looked at the menu.

"I'd like an Iced Americano, Chocolate muffin and can you be my boyfriend"

"Okay- wait what" Minho looked at Chan while he has a smirked plastered on his face. "You heard me" Minho blushed and started to get nervous.

"Wha- what am I supposed to say" Chan laughed at how cute he was. "Do you like me back, yes or no" Minho stared at him and realization hit him.

His own crush likes him back.

Minho smiled and nodded his head. Chan ruffled his hair and walked away. "I'll wait for my stuff patiently" Minho smiled and watched him as he sat down.

He quickly brought his stuff to him and Chan brought him down to sit. "Let me have you for a sec" Minho giggled and they both shared food.

Felix is gonna have fun teasing them once he hears about this.


- Poppy out

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