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Recommended by AnjuDatta2
Ship: Hyunjin x Minho

Minho was done with work and walked around the street. He had gotten lost on the way and took out his phone and opened 'maps.'

He was following the directions it showed. It only was going to take him 17 minutes for him to arrive.

7 minutes in he had to walk past an alley way. He was contemplating on wether or not he should walk through there. But he decided on not being a pussy and walked in.

Minho was getting scared the more he walked deeper. It was so dark and filled with blood stains and trash all around the floor.

Once he was reaching the end he heard a scream. He turned around and checked to see where it came from.

Minho was getting goosebumps all around his body. He knew it was a bad idea to check but he did it anyways.

He slowly walked over to the sound and looked over the surroundings. Minho froze to his steps once he saw fresh blood spreading around the floor.

Minho slowly walked away from the scene and make sure he made it out alive. But of course it doesn't work out that way.

He tripped on his footsteps because his shoe lace was untied. Minho was cursing at himself quietly and tried to get out of there quickly.

The killer, hyunjin, looked over to see what that noise was and saw Minho trying to run away. Hyunjin grabbed his knife and ran towards Minho.

Minho looked behind and saw hyunjin running towards him. This made Minho even more scared and try and run faster.

He was running out of breath and his chest started hurting once he breaths, he felt like he was about to pass out. 'I should've worked out with Changbin whenever he asked' Minho thought.

He tripped again, but this time because of a dead body. He screamed once he saw it and hyunjin finally caught up to Minho.

Hyunjin grabbed his hair and pulled him over to a small room. The room was filled with all types of deadly objects. Hyunjin sat him down on the chair and tied him up.

Minho was trying to get out of the seat, but failed miserably. He was scared but he wouldn't let that show. He isn't gonna beg because that never works so he won't think about that idea.

Hyunjin came back with a knife and walked towards Minho. He lifted up Minho's head and smiled at him. "Now aren't you a pretty one" Minho put his head away and kept a cold glare.

"Cmon now, why are you being so cold to me" Hyunjin faked pouted. "Shut up and kill me already, stop wasting your pathetic time" Minho was actually dying inside but he wanted to act like he wasn't.

While hyunjin was laughing at Minho's remark. Oh he was gonna enjoy his time with him. "Feisty aren't you" Hyunjin bit his lip and put the knife towards Minho's cheek.

Minho did flinch at first but quickly fixed himself. Hyunjin noticed it of course and smiled even more. "Why are you acting so tough, I know your scared" Minho looked dead at him and spitted on his face.

"Again, kill me already and stop wasting you time you degenerate asshole" Hyunjin was loving this guy and he was thinking on wether or not he should actually kill him.

"But killing you wouldn't be fun at all, your to precious to be killed" Hyunjin smiled at him and started touching all of Minho's features.

"Don't do that, you already creepy enough" Minho put his face away from hyunjin's dirty hands. "Let's make a deal kitty" Minho grimaced at the nickname hyunjin gave him.

"Don't say that, it's disgusting. But what's the deal" Hyunjin smiled at him and put the knife down.

"How about you help me with killing" Minho tilted his head, not really understanding what he's saying. "I don't get what your saying" hyunjin sighed and shook his head.

"Since your pretty, you can help me lure in people and let me kill them. You help me but your still alive" Hyunjin smiled and Minho was left thinking for his decision.

Minho really had nothing do to in his life, he can still contact his friends but it's not like his life is anything special so helping a killer won't be that bad.

"Deal" Hyunjin clapped his hands and twirled around. "Perfect" Hyunjin untied Minho and let him roam around freely.

And in the end, Minho and Hyunjin became wanted criminals that have more than 100 kills. Not only that but they fell in love in the end and their sexual life is very....sexual.

Aren't they such a perfect duo!

- poppy out

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