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Ship: Hyunjin x Minho
Fluff and comedy

Hyunjin was an absolute charm. He was kind, charming, kind, charming. There's a lot to name but charming and kind are his main ones to what people describe him.

But Minho thought otherwise.

There was this one time that Minho will never forget. That one time changed his whole vision on hyunjin completely.

When he heard what hyunjin said, he felt tears about to fall off. He wanted to jump off a bridge that would lead him straight to hell. He was so embarrassed all because of hyunjin.

He was with his friends talking about rizzing girls up. They even went up to the people and rizzed them up which he found so cringey. But then they pointed at Minho and asked hyunjin if he would rizz Minho up.

Now Minho obviously saw this and quickly put his head down acting as if he was doing his work. But he of course wanted to hear what he was gonna say.

"I can't, I would never do it to him."

And that one sentence crushed Minho's whole self esteem. Minho thought he meant it as if he didn't like him and would feel embarrassed if he ever tried to rizz him up.

But hyunjin said that because he has a huge crush on him and would feel so shy if he ever tried to. He probably should've worded it better.

Minho started pouting and go so upset of the comment. 'Did he not like me, am I that ugly. Bitch I'm not ugly you are asshole.'

Ever since that day, Minho didn't think he was that sweet as people envisioned him to be. Minho's friends thought he was extra for calling him mean over that one line.

"Minho he isn't mean, people just have preferences and your not in that category" Seungmin said with a smile plastered on his face. "Bitch that ain't helping" Felix said and hit him on the shoulder.

"I don't care, the fact someone said the Lee Minho is ugly must have some high ego and he for sure can't be talking" Minho put his hand over his chest and looked away from his friends.

"He can be talking tho...have you seen his looks" Minho looked back at jeongin and stared at him. "Excuse me" jeongin put his head down and Felix patted his back while whispering 'it's okay.'

Right when they were talking about hyunjin that's when he entered the cafeteria with his friends. "Look at him, bet he enjoys all that attention like the dog he is" Seungmin started laughing while Felix is already used to his remarks.

"You sure he's the mean one.." Jeongin said and Minho stared back at him again. "Excuse me" Jeongin put his head down again and Felix did the same routine.

"How about you befriend him first to see if he's actually mean and don't be stereotypical" Seungmin said and Minho thought seungmin was incredibly dumb.

"Befriend...him...me...talk...you do know who Minho is right?" Seungmin slapped his forehead and shook his head. "Be social like Felix and you know his friend Chan so go befriend him" Seungmin was practically pushing him out the table.

Minho got up and pulled the middle finger on him. He walked over to Chan and sat by him. The moment he sat everyone's eyes was on him.

And what made it worse is that it was the wrong table. "Oh...sorry wrong table" Minho got up and bowed and looked behind to see his friends laughing at him to which he flipped them off.

Now he sat by Chan, but he faced another problem. He didn't come up with a reason to why he came here. And what made it worse is he had to sit in between Chan and hyunjin.

"Oh hi Minho" Chan smiled at him and Minho smiled back trying to make him seem like a really nice person. "Hi" once Minho said that there was absolute silence.

No one talked and that made minho want to punch himself so badly.

"Why are you here..?" Minho looked around trying to think of a reason and thought of whatever came to mind. "Love" Chan tilted his hand and Minho quickly fixed his words.

"Love...letter, yea love letter. Someone wanted me to send you a love letter. Uh, uhm. It's in my bag wait up" Minho ran back to his friends where his bag was and grabbed a loose leaf paper.

"What happened" Felix said. "My reason was because I needed to send a love letter which was fucking stupid" Seungmin laughed over how dumb he was and Minho flipped him off the third time this day.

He quickly wrote some dumb cheesy confession and went back to Chan. "Here" he gave it to Chan which he took and read it. Minho looked over at hyunjin who was staring at him the whole entire time.

Once hyunjin got caught staring he looked away to the side and covered his face over embarrassment. Minho raised his eyebrow and shrugged it off.

"Can you tell me who sent this" Chan looked over at Minho to which he shook his head. "Why" Chans smiled turned into a frown. "It's a secret" Chan groaned and Minho laughed.

"Anyway introduce me" Minho demanded Chan and he nodded his head. "Guys this is Minho, minho this is everyone" everyone waved their hands at minho.

"Who's everyone" Chan rolled his eyes and started pointing at people. "That one is Changbin. That's jisung. That's Ryujin. And the one next to you is hyunjin" Minho nodded his head and looked over at hyunjin.

Hyunjin smiled and waved his hand to which Minho awkwardly waved back. "Well imma stay here for now so talk to me" Ryujin looked over at Minho and started talking.

Ever since that day, they've all been friends. Chan's friends became friends with Minho's friends and turned to a huge ass group.

They all hanged out at chan's house except for Ryujin because she had a date with her girlfriend. "Wanna know something hyunjin" Seungmin said and hyunjin tilted his head.

"Minho didn't like you in the beginning" Minho screamed at Seungmin and got on top of him and  started punching him. "WHAT THE FUCK!?? Why would you say that" Minho got off of him because of Chan and gave Seungmin a side eye.

"It was about time he knew" Seungmin shrugged and Minho was about to jump seungmin again if it wasn't for Chan holding him back.

"Well now I don't, I love him"

Dead silent, again. Oh shit, is what Minho said in his head. Chan started coughing and got up. "Uh I gotta go...feed my grass" he walked outside with Felix behind.

Seungmin pulled out his phone and brought it up to his ear. "Oh hi mom, I gotta go home. My dog drowned in the toilet. Ah ok. Bye everyone" Seungmin walked out while jeongin had a whole pile of food on his arms and left.

"Oh no I think I peed myself, byeee" Changbin ran to the bathroom. Jisung scratched his head and stayed sitting. "I have my popcorn, hurry up, get the tea going" Minho rolled his eyes and looked back at hyunjin.

"So you love me.." Hyunjin looked straight to Minho's eyes and Minho nodded his head while biting his lip. "I do too" Hyunjin started smiling while biting his lip and minho turned completely red.

"So what does this mean...are we dating" Minho asked. "Do you wanna date" minho nodded his head and hyunjin smiled. "Then we're dating" hyunjin went up to Minho and pulled him to a hug.

Jisung started squealing. "THEYRE DATING EVERYONE" everyone walked in and started cheering for the new couple.

"Oh my, I never thought Minho could ever get a boyfriend" Minho got out of the hug and started chasing Seungmin.


I was actually going for soft cute minho, but that didn't age well.

- poppy out

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