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Recommended by chiaasz
Ship: Felix x Minho

"You fat fuck move out of the way" The boy pushed Minho way to hard making him fall on the floor. "Fatass" His friends snickered at Minho.

Minho stared at the floor deciding on not saying anything. "You mute or something" Minho shook his head and the bully laughed. "Woah this fattie can actually hear. Surprised the fat didn't consume his hearing"

His friends laughed at his "joke" and they looked back at Minho. "I kinda need a new punching bag, my old one kinda broke" Minho widened his eyes and he shook his head while looking at them.

"I didn't even finish speaking, but you already know what I'm gonna ask don't you" The bully smirked and went up close to Minho. "Can you be my new punching bag"

Minho backed away from him while the bully kept that sinister smile on his face. Minho always been bullied by them since young, but it was only verbal never physical.

The bully picked him up by the collar and Minho was on the verge of crying. "Stay here while i get ready to punch you" The bully backed away from him and decided to punch him in the stomach first.

"Get ready for me to deflate the fat outta you"

The bully lunged at Minho but quickly got pushed by someone. "Fuck off Jun" The person got on top of him and punched him on the face. The bully kicked him on the stomach and tried to throw a punch on his face but missed terribly.

"Weak ass" The guy pushed the bully and told him to get out which he did and left as quick as he can. The person looked at Minho and smiled.

"He didn't punch you right" Minho shook his head and the person grabbed something from his pocket. He grabbed a flower keychain and gave it to him.

"This flower always brings me protection, at least me. I'll give you it since I don't really need it anymore"

The person gave it to Minho and smiled looking at it. "T-thank you" Minho's voice came out raspy since he kept holding his tears. "My names Felix, yours?" Felix smiled at Minho. "...Minho"'

"Oh that's a pretty name" Minho blushed but he kept his head down so Felix didn't really notice. It was the first time someone ever complemented him and he did get a little butterflies in his stomach.

"Well Minho, I gotta go" Felix waved goodbye and Minho finally looked up to see Felix. He thought he is so pretty and Felix didn't think any differently.

Felix smiled at him. "You should show your face more, pretty boy" Felix then left after saying that. Minho blushed even more and looked back down.

He kept causing his heart to beat and he didn't like it. It was his first ever time to be complemented and talk to someone more than 5 seconds.

Not only that but he kept making his heart beat and make his face heat up. He thought if that's what you call a crush. "A crush.."

Minho gasped and giggled a little. "He's so pretty"

"Felix left this school" Minho heard a student say that and he quietly listened to the conversation. "Felix, blondie freckled boy" The girl nodded her head and she gasped.

"He was like the only fine boy in our school" Minho quietly laughed and continued to hear. "Well he went to a private school so this sucks"

When Minho kept hearing he did get sad. It was his first ever crush and he was the first ever person to defend him from bullying. He hopes he sees him again one day.

Minho was at the park alone. At home his parents were arguing with each other so the park was his only escape. He heard 3 boys laughing with each other and he so badly wanted to feel that.

He's never had a friend his whole entire life and he did kinda wish to be friends with Felix but he was shy and his chance got wasted once he left his school.

He heard one of the 3 boys come closer to him and he lowered his head even more while tightening his grip on the swing. He saw shoes in front of him and got a bit scared.

"Pretty boy, is that you" Minho looked up and faced Felix. "Fe-Felix" Felix smiled at him and looked at his pants. "Aw you have the keychain" Minho looked down at his pants were the keychain was dangling.

"Oh yea, for protection" Minho smiled and Felix cooed. "Your smile is so adorable" Felix cupped his cheeks and Minho blushed. "Your just so naturally cute" Minho blushed even more and Felix noticed.

"Aw your blushing" Minho moved his head away from him and Felix chuckled. "Wanna know a secret" Minho looked back at him and tilted his hand.

"I actually had a crush on you, well I still do but I have a crush on you for a long time. I always thought you were so pretty and the way your so quiet and really pay attention during class is just so cute. Sure people can call me a simp but I'm okay with that because who wouldn't be a simp for you"

Minho blushed even more and Felix continued speaking. "I guess you can call this a confession but I wanted to tell you this since it might be my only chance" Felix got up and was about to head back to his friends until Minho pulled his shirt.

"I-I like you too" Minho looked down while still blushing. "You made me feel so special whenever we talked for the first time. You are actually my first crush" Felix widened his eyes and smiled his brightest.

"You like me too" Felix said with such enthusiasm. "Yea" Felix put Minho's head up and he could see how Minho was also smiling. "Does this make us boyfriends"

Minho widened his eyes and quickly smiled while nodding his head. "Yes yes" Felix laughed and stared at him. "Can I give you a quickly peck, please"

Minho giggled and nodded his head. Felix went in for a peck but that turned into a kiss. "Your so adorable" Felix chuckled and Minho blushed for the millionth time omfg.

We love minlix also fuck it I'm doing a haobin ff next time so no minsung ff for now 🤷🏻‍♀️

- Poppy out

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