'Christian boy'

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Ship: Seungmin x Minho

Seungmin and minho have been dating for 3 years now. Seungmin's parents absolutely adore minho.

His parents feel like he's a perfect suit for seungmin and just a great housewife. He's incredibly sweet and gorgeous to. His parents wouldn't ask for more.

But Minho's parents....they're incredibly homophobic. They would bash any gay person they see. Humiliate them, talk shit about them, degrade them.

They would do or say the worse things about them. They absolutely despise gay people and always will. Not only that but they're hardcore christians.

If you say anything disrespectful to them, somehow god gets inside the talk. No matter what they will bring up god in every talk they have.

And the fact that Minho is also Christian is even worse. His parents will most definitely hate him even more and with probably send him to conversion camp. And he's wasn't gonna allow that.

Minho also had a huge fear of them. He was never gonna come out to his parents and he was gonna keep it that way.

Seungmin obviously knew about this and he respected that. I mean it is hard and you have to be very courageous to come out to your parents.

As much as he wanted Minho to come out he doesn't want to pressure him into doing it. He was gonna wait until Minho thinks it's time for him to do it.

Right now Minho was getting ready for school as it was 7:30 am. He was zooming around the house and left under 3 minutes.

But he was so mad because his hair wasn't doing so great for him. He wanted to rip his hair out so badly because it wasn't cooperating with him. 

He knew he missed the bus so he had to walk to school which was gonna take atleast 12 minutes. And man did he feel like dying.

Well let's just wish for his day to be better because it wasn't really going well for him in the morning.

His 2nd period was about to end and he was so happy because right after is lunch and he can meet seungmin.

As soon as the bell rang he quickly packed his stuff and ran out of the classroom. He headed to lunch and ran up to seungmin.

He sat down next to him and gave him a kiss to the cheek. Seungmin chuckled and gave him a hug and a forehead kiss.

"How has your day been love" Minho still gets a bit shy over the nicknames. "It's been going well, except for the morning. My hair was getting me so pissed off but now that I see you everything's going well!" Seungmin let out an 'aw' and gave him a kiss.


Minho looked behind to see what that noise was and noticed a boy from his church took a picture of him and seungmin kissing.

"I don't think your parents will like to see this" The boy was showing off the pic to them and minho felt like he was about to have a panic attack.

He couldn't control his breathing and he could feel tears swell up in his eyes. Seungmin noticed it and he grabbed his hand and took him to the bathroom.

"Take deep breaths love, breath in....breath out...breath in...breath out...ok love your doing good" Minho kept doing exactly what he was told to. And he felt his breathing getting under control.

"Thanks seungmin" Minho walked over to him and gave him a tight hug. He was afraid that the boy might show his parents the picture.

"Don't worry love, if they do anything call me as soon as you can" Seungmin was playing with his hair was soothing his back. "Thanks" Minho looked up at seungmin and gave him a quick peck.

4 days has passed and it was already Sunday. It was time for church. Minho had been so scared for this day.

He was going paranoid ever since that boy walked up to them and threatened him with photo.

"MINHO ARE YOU READY" His mom screamed from all the way downstairs. "I AM JUST WAIT" Minho put on his belt and headed downstairs.

"You look so cute minbear, ah cmon your dad is waiting in the car lets go" Minho and his mom walked over to the car and got buckled up and drove to the church.

They arrived in 13 minutes and were finding they're seats. They regularly sat in the front but this time they were gonna sit in the back.

Church had only lasted for 3 hours and minho felt so relived once he noticed the boy didn't come to parents at all.

Well that's what he thought.

Once they were about to leave he came to his parents and his heart dropped as soon as he saw him.

"Hi Mrs and Mr. Lee, how are you guys doing" He said and Minho knew what his intentions actually were.

"Oh taeil, we're doing absolutely wonderful. How about you sugar" Taeil gave her a soft smile. "I'm doing good but I just wanted to have a talk with you two...alone" His heart would not stop beating.

"Oh of course, let's go" His parents and taeil were walking somewhere and Minho would not leave his eyes off of them.

Minho kept looking at them and he saw taeil take out his phone and show his parents something. He saw the disgust and disappointment in his parents eyes.

Minho felt like he was about to cry. He saw his parents coming back pissed. How Minho wanted to kill himself right now.

"Minho get in the car, now" His father said and he walked slowly to the car. The ride home was horribly quiet.

Once they arrived home they told Minho to sit down and wait for them. It took only a few minutes for his parents to come back down.

They sat down and Minho was shaking so horribly. He was scared how they'd react and he felt like he was suffocating.

"Minho..we saw the photo. Don't worry we aren't mad. We're just a bit shocked" To say, Minho was shocked. He slowly looked up and tilted his head.

"Your not mad..?" His parents shook their head no and Minho let out a huge breath he was holding.

"We just need time to adjust to these surprising news, but we aren't mad" His father said and Minho never felt more happier his whole entire life.

Minho got up and hugged them so tightly. "I love you guys soooo much, thank you for still loving me" His parents hugged him back with smiles still on their face.

"Now go tell your boyfriend that we want to meet him" Minho immediately got his phone and texted seungmin.

"He's coming!"

I like this chapter, it was cute!

- poppy

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