'Baby on board'

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Recommended by jisunguncheeskeki
Ship: Hyunjin x Minho
Fluff and maybe comedy 😋

"Hyunjin stop yelling at me your gonna scare the baby" Minho pouted and rubbed his belly. "Sorry" Hyunjin walked up to Minho and touched his stomach.

"Her kicks are so cuuute" Hyunjin giggled at the baby's stomach. Minho smiled at how cute Hyunjin looked everytime he would touch his belly. "Our baby is gonna look so pretty"

Minho chuckled. "So you only care for the looks" Hyunjin gasped and shook his head. "Never but I'm just stating the obvious" Minho laughed and he softly sat down on the couch.

"Shit she's a handful" Minho let out a deep breath and Hyunjin turned on the tv for him. "What do you want to watch" Hyunjin kept switching channels and decided to put on some Netflix.

"Anything that isn't boring please" Hyunjin put on 'Xo kitty' and Minho shook his head. "Please not the rip-off kdrama. Out of all things not that" Hyunjin laughed menacingly and put it on.

"Look the main character being confused on who she likes is honestly pretty entertaining but it's like really gay and we stan. Also it reminds me of my favorite wattpad story, 'Who likes who.' It's by @haoshairpin and all her stories are so great. You should check them out"

"I'll take a look at it later" Minho decided to watch the show and suffer with all the cringe that is about to throw a punch on his face. "It's not bad, stop being so dramatic" Hyunjin rolls his eyes.

"Can't believe I'm getting that from you" Minho chuckles and Hyunjin would like to hit him but he's pregnant and he's scared. Not his fault he was born as a coward.

"Anyways I-"

Minho's water broke. Minho started screaming which made Hyunjin scream and they both stayed like that for a hot minute. "BRO TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL DUMBASS"

"OK" Hyunjin quickly grabbed the keys and the bag with all the stuff for the baby and helped Minho stand up. "Let's go" He opened the car door and helped him sit down.

He went inside and quickly buckled himself and arrived in 1 minute because they live really close to the hospital. Yay :)

"Doctor doctor, his water broke" Hyunjin yelled out and the doctor quickly brought them to a hospital room.

They laid him on the bed and told him to take deep breaths. "Is it going to hurt" Minho said and Hyunjin grabbed a hold of his hand. "Of course it won't baby" Hyunjin kissed him on the cheek and the doctor coughed.

"It's going to hurt, just letting you know" Minho widened his eyes and hit Hyunjin on the shoulder. "How dare you lie to me"

"My mom said it doesn't hurt tho.." Hyunjin frowned and Minho chuckled. "I'm not mad just grab my hand" Hyunjin held his hand tighter and the doctors were gonna start. "Deep breaths" Minho nodded his head and kept taking deep breaths.

He winced in pain but pushed it away. He held Hyunjin's hand tighter is that was even possible. It started to hurt even more and Minho was about to cry. "Fuck freak fudge fridge" Minho winced and then the pain ended.


Minho sighed and rubbed off his sweat. "Ah our little girl" Minho grabbed her and Hyunjin looked at her so adoringly. "She's so cute" Hyunjin smiled and and grabbed her tiny hands.

"Whats her name going to be"

"Hwang areum"

"Aw that's cute"

"Well we'll leave you two alone, bye"

The nurse left and the couple played with areum for a while. "She's so cute" Minho said while played with her little hands. "She got that because of me" Hyunjin smiled and Minho looked at him.

"Excuse me love?"


"She's cute because me"

"Don't make me cackle, we all know it's because of me"

"Your going to make me piss, areum even agrees with me"

"What no? Have you seen my looks"

"Have you seen my looks"

"Well she's cute because of me, end of discussion"

"She's cute because of me, end of discussion"

And they continued arguing over who they think is more cuter, even though deep down they both think the other is really cute.

They aren't even married yet but act like one. They are a cute couple, end of discussion.

Whenever hyunjin kept talking, I read it as if he was an aussie kid.

- Poppy out

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