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Ship: Changbin x Minho



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Sungsuckurnuts: damn that's a daddy frfr

Chanisntalive: I got competition 😥

Felicks: bro my toes are curling, back arching, eyes rolled back, tongue sticking out 🤭

Innieisnotin: You and me, bed at 7:00 pm

Seungmin: ew I feel like vomiting but damn ur hot

Hyuncame: I came

Jypismymans: I just fainted

Minniemouse: Just my type...🫣

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Binnie69 has received a message
Accept or decline



Uhm can you please
choke me 🙏🙏

Wait in line baby

Called me baby, ooh got
me cumming 😫😫


Wtf why was that so
awkward 😭

Well what do you expect
me to say when someone
tells you that??

Simple, you, me,
my house 6pm 😉

Oooh, well you and me
my house, 6pm 😘

Address please 😋

[yourmomsvagina.st, 367]

Oh really, you actually
gave me your address 😳

Gonna come or not??

Be there in 10 min 🤭

Minho arrived to this nice looking house. Minho thought he can be his sugar daddy and fill him up so well.

Even thought they just met, Minho isn't really a shy person and always speaks his mind. If he wants to kiss you, he'll kiss you....

In his head of course.

But how badly he wanted Changbin to headlock him. Minho was a very horny person and will always be one.

Also if you don't like his personality, then to bad for you. It wasn't his fault he was a straight forward guy. That isn't his problem at all.

If he wanted something or someone...he'll get it

Minho walked over to the door and knocked waiting for Changbin to open the door. Minho heard locks clicking and the door knob twisting.

The door opened showing a buff man that looks hella rich. "Mmm just my type" Changbin was flabbergasted over what Minho said.

"Excuse me?" Changbin said nervously laughing while looking anywhere except for Minho. "You heard me, just my type" Minho said with full confidence.

Changbin couldn't find the words as he was a bit taken back. "I thought you were joking about the crushing on me thing" Changbin scratched the back of his neck.

"Well of course I wasn't, duuuh" Minho shook his head and Changbin tried to give a small smile back. "Uh come on in" Changbin moved over so he can walk in.

"So wanna head to your bed to do what we planned" Minho smiled at him and Changbin eyes got wide. "Uh sure" Minho waited for changbin to lead him to his room.

"I'm waiting..." Minho said and formed his mouth into a straight line. "O-oh i was joking" Minho just started at him, full of judgement.

"That's it, we're getting divorced" Minho said standing in a angry mom position. Changbin choked on his spit and laughed. "Divorce??" Minho nodded his head furiously and Changbin just kept laughing.

"Hurry up, let's go. We're getting divorced" Changbin finally got a hold of himself and shook his head. "Ah your funny" Minho looked at him even more madder.

"You think this is a joke, I'm never online dating" Minho walked out the door and slapped it hard. Changbin was left there confused not knowing what to do.

1 second later Minho walks back with papers and a pen. "Here is our divorce papers, please sign" Changbin was trying to act serious and grabbed the pen and signed his signature.

"Omg I got ur signature, hold up" Minho took out his phone and took a quick picture and then went back to being serious.

"Ok, since we are divorced wanna be my boyfriend. Let's start over" Minho gave a smile and Changbin was left confused not comprehending what's happening.

"Uh sure?" Minho yelled out a 'yay' and clapped his hand and cheered by himself. "Give me your phone" Changbin tilted his head. "Why?" Minho rolled his eyes.

"Just give me it" Changbin took out his phone and gave it to him. He took a quick picture with Changbin and posted it on his instagram.



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Binnie is my boyfriend. Haha suckers. Imagine not dating this handsome man. Y'all wish to be me 🤭


Felicks: 😨😨

Sungsuckyournuts: Poly? I'm just saying 💁🏻
Binnie69: NOOO 😰

Chanisalive: He finally got someone 🥳🥳

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"And that is how you successfully get yourself a himbo boyfriend" Minho said following with a wink.

I came up with this idea when I was washing the dishes :)

- poppy out

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