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Ship: Jeongin x Minho
Fluff and some angst (sorry but I had to but some angst)

Jeongin and Minho are best friends as they've known each other for 9 years. Right now they are in 11th grade and they never leave each others side, ever.

Jeongin has always been protective of Minho since people always use him due to him being so kind. Minho feels so mean whenever he says no to someone so, Jeongin is there to always help him.

They never kept secrets from each other. As they've been friends for such a long time, they feel comfortable telling each other everything.

But Jeongin did hide one thing. It's something he might hide for a very long time. He wouldn't let Minho know because he doesn't wanna ruin his friendship with him.

So what's his secret? Well he likes Minho.

He liked him for a few months now. He adored everything about him. The way he talks, his adoration towards cats and dancing, his pretty face and anything else he didn't list.

He just loves everything about him and whenever they talk even more, his love for him would increase more and more.

He does wish to confess to him but he's so scared to do it. He doesn't know how Minho will respond or react. He only wishes to keep being by his side.

"Jeongin look. I drew a cat with a space hat" Jeongin looked at it and laughed. "Aw it's so cute" Minho giggled and muttered a small 'thank you.'

"Hey Minho" Minho looked up to see a girl calling his name. "Oh hi Josie" Jeongin looked at her and eyed her up and down.

He wasn't trying to check her out, he was giving her a judge stare.

"I need help on my math homework, could you maybe do it for me" Josie while fake pouting. Minho couldn't possibly say no so he said yes.

Jeongin wasn't going to let this slide so he stepped in. "Josie, why are making him do your homework. Do it yourself and it's not his homework if you forgot"

Jeongin eyed the girl and rolled his eyes. He grabbed her homework and gave it back to her. "Go do your homework you lazy bum"

Josie rolled her eyes and walked away. "That was mean Jeongin, I could've helped her" Minho frowned and he did start making Jeongin feel guilty.

"She was using you, don't let anyone else do that to you, promise" Minho took out his pinkie and smiled. "Promise" Jeongin smiled and started doodling with him.

"Minho!" Minho looked back up and smiled. "GINA!!" He ran over to her and hugged her. "Ah I missed you" Minho said and Gina smiled.

"Me too" Jeongin stared at her and Gina could sense it. She looked around and looked at Jeongin.

He eyed the hand around Minho and continued giving her a death stare. It seems like she understood and pulled her hand away.

"Uh..I just wanted to say hi. But I gotta go" Minho frowned and shook his head. "Noo I haven't seen you in a long time, let's at least hang out later"

Gina nodded her head and said 'ok.' Minho giggled and waved goodbye. He went back to Jeongin and continued doodling.

Minho was walking alone at night to get himself a snack. He was really depriving for snack. So he went out and was buying himself a snack.

He saw a flower and decided to pick one up. He giggled and looked at it as if it was the most prettiest thing on earth.

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