1. Run away

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Hiccups POV

"LEAVING... we're leaving lets pack up there is no way I'm killing that dragon bud so we're going" I don't know what I was expecting his reaction to be, but he got so excited and tried to get me to leave straight away. But I had to do something first. I grabbed my dagger and cut my hand and squeezed the blood all over the cove. I then made shallow footprints and threw my dagger on the ground. I grabbed a scale off toothless and dropped it near my dagger. If I wanted it to look like I faked my death I couldn't go back for anything it had to look like an accident so I left straight away. The only thing I had with me still was my journal.

Astrids POV

I was throwing my axe around at every tree I saw fuming with anger that Hiccup the Useless had beat me Fearless Astrid Hofferson. It didn't make sense he's a wimp and I'm a warrior. I threw my axe with rage and it fell into the cove I ran to find my it but what I saw made me freeze with terror. There was blood everywhere, footsteps like someone had been running from something. I was about to leave to tell Stoick and then I saw a dagger labelled HHH |||. The only words that could escape my mouth were "Hiccup..." I dropped my head with sadness and then I saw a black scale I realised that there was a dragon here I had to get out and tell Stoick I ran out of the cove terrified at what had just happened. I sprinted to the Chiefs house and he looked at me confused as I stood there trying to catch my breath.

Stoicks POV

I looked at Astrid and saw that she was nearly crying I asked what was wrong and all she said was "Hiccups dead" I stood there in shock as she handed me the dagger and the dragons scale. She then said "There is blood in the cove and no sign of him anywhere. "Did you see the dragon at all" I asked "no" she said. I stormed outside and yelled "I WANT EVERY VIKING LOOKING FOR DRAGONS THEN ROUND THEM ALL UP AND BRING THEM TO THE ARENA."

Hours later...

I paced back and forth in the arena until Gobber walked in "anything?" I asked he then looked down and said "no there are no dragons anywhere" I vowed to get revenge my wife was taken by a dragon and my son was killed by one. "Tell everyone to go home and stop the search" Gobber nodded and walked away. I had no idea what dragon killed either of them but I remember when Valka was taken I sat and read the book of dragons trying to find out what dragon took her but I could never find anything. I decided to go home and sleep and we would have a meeting in the morning to talk about it.

Astrids POV

"THE SEARCH IS OVER GO HOME" Gobber yelled we ran up to him and asked "did they find anything?" He shook his head and then walked off, I knew this was gonna be hard for him they were close. "Well guess who is the new heir to Berk" Snotlout said the others ignored him but I tackled him to the floor and yelled "ARE YOU KIDDING, HICCUP JUST DIED AND THATS ALL YOU CAN THINK ABOUT!?" he got up and then said "sorry, gosh overprotective much" I was about to kill him when Ruff pulled me back. We then went out seperate ways and went home for the night.

Hiccups POV

Finally we're free no more being called useless or fishbone no more seeing any of the people who bullied me everyday I never want to see them again. Me and Toothless were flying to find and island  to land and rest for the night when suddenly he started acting weird. "Toothless what wrong...WOAH" he pulled us into a flock of dragons,flying in the mist halling in their kill. Wait they're not eating any of it I thought. I crouched down so the other dragons wouldn't see me. Toothless then flew us into a mountain, what is this place we landed and hid. I saw all of the food being dropped down a hole. What is going on? A Gronkle then spit out a small fish and then a huge dragon ate it whole. I could see it start to stare at me and I whispered to Toothless "bud time to go" he flew out and the dragon tried to eat us but snagged a Zippleback. We got as far away from that island as possible and landed on another island far from there and Berk. "You guys only raided us because she controls you with fear" I said to Toothless "well bud if we want dragons to live we are gonna have to find a way to kill it."

Stoicks POV

"People of Berk as you know last night I sent all of you to find a certain dragon, it was because it killed my son Hiccup" I said everyone faces turned from confused to angry and sad. "Snotlout will takeover as heir of Berk" I ended with that and left the great Hall people started saying 'sorry for your loss' but I didn't want their pitty.

Word count: 898

Hi this is my first Wattpad pls don't judge I tried😅

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