16. Rescue

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Stoicks POV

We got up early to go find him. But a certain Viking stood in our way. "There is no point trying to find him Stoick. Snotlout is the heir and Hiccup will always be Useless" Spitelout said. We ignored him and mounted our dragons. It's just me and Valka this time we wanted to keep the group small. We were about to leave but we ran into a problem his NightFury wanted to come but we couldn't fly him. So we put the dragon in a boat tied ropes to our dragons and pulled the boat. I would have left him but that dragon looked so sad and he wanted to see Hiccup to know he was safe.

A few hours later.

We found an island that the NightFury guided us to. It was dark and sad. We landed and followed the NightFury but left our dragons at the beach. The NightFury knew his way around the island he must have been here before. I wonder why?

Hiccups POV

I sat in the cage in pain. The punishments were brutal they went to the lengths of nearly drowning me. I heard steps down the hall and honestly I just don't care what happens anymore.
"Don't you have anything better to do with your time Shadow" I said sarcastically. "What could be better than watching my enemy suffer" he said I just rolled my eyes. He then started to punch and kick me. But at least he hadn't resorted to his old ways. He then grabbed something from off the wall...maybe I spoke too soon.

Stoicks POV

The dragon ran down a tunnel which lead to a big cave. We heard lots of guards so we hid behind anything we could find and continued following the dragon. After a lot of walking we made it to the area where he was supposedly being held. But the cages were empty, the dragon started to panic until we saw a man throwing Hiccup into a cell. "There you are Useless" the man said "Wat...ch it Shadow...or Ill kno..ck your tee..th out" Hiccup said I'm surprised he could speak at all and we got the name of this Strange man, shadow. "Your sarcasm is gonna put you in danger Hiccup" "who said I was being sarc...astic" Hiccup then lunged forward and punched him in the face. The man fell back and looked really mad he walked up and started banging Hiccups head against the metal bars and then stabbed him in the shoulder. Hiccup winced and pulled away "you better watch it" shadow said and walked away.

Toothless's POV

I knew that he would be sarcastic when you spend a lot of time with him you know when he will be sarcastic. But the price he paid for it was horrible and brutal, did he really think it was worth it?

Hiccups POV

It hurt like hell but it was worth it because now I have what I need to get out. I pulled the dagger out of my shoulder and jammed it between the cage doors gap and opened the door. Just as I was about to leave a certain NightFury jumped on me.

Stoicks POV

He managed to get out of the cell but he acted like he had no pain when he did it. Suddenly the Night Fury ran out and tackled him to the ground.

Hiccups POV

It really hurt I still had fresh wounds but Toothless looked so happy so I didn't show it. "Toothless hey how did you get here?" He smiled and then pointed to the Vikings suddenly my smile turned into a scowl. I still had my hood on thank goodness. They ran over to me and led me to where the exit was so we quickly sprinted out and I held back showing any pain. I mounted Toothless and we left the island.

Stoicks POV

We were flying in silence until Hiccup asked "h..how did you find Toothless" he sounded like he was in so much pain. "Astrids dragon tracked him down from Berk with the smell of the scales in the cove" I lied. He nodded with agreement. "Let's land here for the night" We flew down and I looked at my son while he went and hugged his dragon. "Are you going to stay at Berk?" I asked, he broke from the hug I could see him starting to lose balance. "No I'm going as soon as the sun rises I have too much to do" I nodded sadly. He did not look so good. "Are you okay?" I said he looked at me and nodded "no your not your lying" Val said he then rolled his eyes at us.

Hiccups POV

"Hiccup are you okay" Toothless said "oh thor, yes I'm fine" I started to feel really light headed and slipped down to the ground. My "parents" ran over to check on me. "I'm fine okay" I tried to get up but I couldn't. "No your not stop lying" Valka said clearly mad. Suddenly Toothless pulled off my hood to reveal a big thing of blood dripping down my head and bruises. I glared at him and then turned to see Valka pulling of my bandana.

Toothless's POV

I can tell when he's lying but when I saw his face I could hardly bare to keep looking. Blood was everywhere and when I nudged him he winced in pain. So I laid behind him and curled up around him.

Valkas POV

I saw blood running down the side of his head and a reopend scratch on his eye. And bruises and more blood on his face. "What did he do to you" I asked, Hiccup just looked down at his bloody hands. I then saw the blood leaking from his shoulder and stomach. His dragon nudged his back and he winced in pain so the dragon curled up around him. I want answers. "Tell us"

Word count: 1001

I'm sorry I haven't been updating much it is assignment area and I'm really busy. But I fixed this chapter and I am planning to try and get a few others done today

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