13. The Search

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Hiccups POV

We had been searching forever. "What about that one?" "Singetails" "that one" "whispering deaths" "that one" "Changewings." "Can we take a break" I asked "our dragons are fine" Stoick said. "Have you seen your Rumblehorn?" I replied. He nodded and we then landed on an island. "I'm going to look around" I said and pulled out inferno. "We will come" Astrid and the others said. I sighed and nodded. They followed me into he woods and I just talked to Toothless. "I think they are trying to be nice Hiccup" Toothless said. "I know...No I don't trust Vikings and never will you know why" I said as I held my left wrist. "Hey Hiccup remember the time we stole your dad's hammer and hid it from him" Astrid asked. "yeah and he spent hours finding it" I said as I laughed. Astrid put her hand on my shoulder I then remembered they told my dad I hid the hammer then pushed me in the mud and I got a big punishment. I shrugged her hand off my shoulder "we should head back" I said with fury.

Astrids POV

I was so close to getting Hiccups trust we all were but he just shook me off. We all walked back and mounted our dragons it was getting late so we were about to head back. "Let's go quickly" Hiccup said. "Why?" I asked "speed stingers" he said we then mounted up and left. I'm still wondering why Hiccup won't show us his face what's to hide we have seen his face before.

Hiccups POV

We had finally landed on Berk and I saw everyone staring with hope in their eyes. I looked to see Stoick shaking his head no, everyone was mad at me. So I mounted Toothless and flew to the cove.

Astrids POV

I saw Hiccup fly off and Stoick gave us a look that said 'lets go check on him' we then walked off to the cove. When we got their I heard a conversation it was Hiccup and he was speaking in Norse to his dragon so now we could understand him. Stoick signalled everyone to hide and listen to him. "Okay bud...so we know where Viggos next shipment of dragons is headed so that's a start at least." Stoick started to listen in more to the conversation. "So we know that the order of rule goes Drago, Crogan, Johan, Viggo, Ryker then Dagur....but where does that traitorous scum fit on this list?" We all looked confused on what he was talking about. "Bud...here is the next village we hit let's hope they surrender peacefully I don't feel like starting another war" we were shocked at what he said he does raid villages. We were about to walk down when he said something else to his dragon "let's hope we can find them an island so we can leave. I just hope they don't find out the truth by then" what truth he had some explaining to do I mean what could he possibly have to hide.

Next morning...

We mounted the dragons and left to find an island. But kept a close eye on Hiccup to make sure he has no sudden movements. He looked in his saddle bag to find something but then said "looks like we might have to snatch somemore supplies from the northern markets bud" wait he stole I thought that looting villages would give him all the profit he needed. "Why do you steal?" Snotlout asked he ignored the question and continued flying. After a while of flying we found an island that actually looked safe.

Hiccups POV

We landed on the island to look around but it was a big island so we split up. Stoick put me with the random woman who I didn't know I was so pissed off but didn't show it. "You don't know who I am do you Hiccup" I shook my head no and continued the long walk around the island. We got to the end of the trail and she stopped and said "I'm gonna tell you who I am but don't freak out" I nodded I didn't really care about it "I'm you mother Valka" I stood there jaw dropped I didn't want to show her any emotion so I said "okay..." And walked off.

Valkas POV

I just told my son who I was and all he said was "okay...." I was broken, he didn't care, something must have changed him he does not sound like the Hiccup my husband described to me. There was no emotion in his eyes. We walked back in silence he walked up to his dragon and took off. "What did he think" they asked with a smile. "He didn't care he just said 'okay' and walked off..." My husband looked so sad and so did the teens he hugged me and we looked up to the Nightfury in the sky.

Word count: 832

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