21. They're gonna pay

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Toothless's POV

I was walking around, keeping an eye out for hunters when I had a boulder thrown at me. I ripped it off and yelled "HELP" in dragonese. I started to back up more as I saw hunters group up in front of me so I yelled again "HICCUP HELP!" "TOOTHLESS" I heard him yell back. I panicked more and so I started firing plasma blasts and then I saw Hiccup run and start fighting off the hunters. Then suddenly everything stopped when I sword was held to my neck and that guy started talking. Take one more step and the Night Fury gets it" Shadow said "no" Hiccup whimpered out "ohh look who's the weak one" Shadow teased. "Take him to the ship" and then I was hauled off. I saw Hiccup's expression show anger, fear, faliure, revenge but mostly worry. He then disappeared out of my sight and I was thrown into a cell.

Hiccup's POV

After I couldn't see toothless anymore I leaned down and held the broken parts of a bola. I then dropped it and got up and we all walked back to the club house and I just could not stop thinking about what had happened and how I had failed Toothless. "So what's the plan" Astrid said to Stoick. He pointed to a map and started pointing at the volcano "we could start here and do a suprise attack on the hunters" everyone agreed apart from me "that won't work" I say. "Why?" Fishleg's asked. "that volcano may be dormant but if an attack does happen you need to divert fire away from there. That volcano has been broken open before by attacks and dragons and a few more hits to it would make the island sink." I replied. "So what do we do?" Astrid asked. "take cover in the clouds and use the element of surprise" they all agreed and we started to set up the last of the gear. I walked up and grabbed a few more weapons and looked at the ships in the distance "I'll get you back Toothless if it's that last thing I do." I say. "Hey Hiccup" I look back and see Astrid. "You can ride with me" she says "thanks" I reply. I look back at the ships. "We will get him back Hiccup" she says. I smile and nod. We walk down and meet up at the club house we mount the dragons and are ready to take off. "Remember these guys are ruthless Vikings and you need to be careful of them one hit of those arrows and your down" They all nodded and we took off. The war is about to begin and so is my vengeance.

Word count: 456
Okay so here it is. It's a short chapter but I wanted the battle to be in a separate chapter. The battle will hopefully be posted by tommorow.

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