22. Let's finish this

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Astrid's POV

We flew up into the clouds and then bomb dived down. The ship was broken into splinters. We looked over at another ship and there was this weird contraption that was holding Toothless up. I looked back to see Hiccup had a look of fear in his eyes. I tapped his hand and smiled. We were about to continue the battle when I saw a white flag? That means surrender. We flew down on the ship and that's when I saw that shadow guy walk up to us. He then spoke and said

"Well, well, well look who showed up."

"Quit the games what do you want" Hiccup said.

"You are in no position to make any orders we have your dragon." He replied.

He walked up a little bit and the asked "do any of you know of a man named Grimmle?"

"The night Fury killer." Hiccup said

"Indeed I am" a tall figure walked up and said. "I have hunted every last one of them except yours, but that changes today." He then injected Toothless with something.

"NO" Hiccup yelled

"Then Toothless's pupils dialated and Grimmle said "call the dragons over" he roared loudly and that's when it hit me.

"Mind control.."

"You are correct Young shield maiden."

Our dragons flooded over to his side as well as more from the island.

Hiccup scowled at them and then he looked at us with eyes that said we can get them back.

"You should all give up." Shadow said.

"Unlikely conclusion." Hiccup scoffed and with that we charged into battle.

Hiccup's POV

Grimmle pulled the cratption so Toothless was pulled up higher I charged straight to him and pulled out inferno. Shadow was also there. I battled them both up the stairs. Swiping my sword barley missing them. Puching, kicking and going for the kill. Eventually I made it up the stairs.

"I see you strategy Haddock, climb up and save you dragon. Not likely that it will work." He smirked evily."

He then sent a pack of dragons with huge tusks that were black and red.

"These dragons aren't afraid to kill their own or humans for that fact" Shadow said

I dodged the dragons fire or spit? And kept making my way to the chain. The dragon appeared behind me and then another infront of me I was cornered.

"Any last words" Shadow said with an evil grin.

"Yeah, I never give up." I dropped a zippleback had capsule and set it a light. I then flipped over the bar and climbed the chain. I eventually reached Toothless. I leaped next to him. "I'm sorry bud," I pulled the muzzle off and his pupils undialated. He gave me a goofy face. I undid the binds and we flew off. The other dragons became unhypnotised and we started the real battle.

Astrid's POV

One by one each ship was destroyed. Every dragon was set free and every trap was destroyed. The cries from the hunters signalling one victory at a time. We flew in line next to Hiccup.

"Lets finish this" he said. We then flew off straight to the ship with Grimmle and Shadow. Each rider called out their degaons names to fire.








And with that all the ships blew up into pieces of debris.

The war was over.

Hiccup's POV

It's done.

We're free.

We're alive.

I can't believe it.

No one's POV

A week later..

The berkians had returned home to their island and new Berk was thriving it was so peaceful. Well as peaceful as possible.

There is still a look out for any uprising enemies but that's just a precaution.

As for Hiccup and Toothless they are in and out of Berk they live at their island but always come to visit. The alliance between the two of them is strong.

A relationship between two berkians has started no one expected it at all. Well maybe a little. (You know who it is)

Hiccup and Toothless are finally free, safe and happy together it's all they ever wanted.

The End.

Word count: 687


Finally completed.

I know this chapter was definitely not posted when I said it was supposed to be.😅 But it is finished let me know if you liked it. Thank you so much for reading this book. I hope it was good. Also do you know who the two berkians are 😅

Thank you again soo much,

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