4. The Mission

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Stoicks POV

Today is the day we look for the Night Rider he has been destroying more villages and we have to stop him before he destroys ours. We all thought he was a myth but the traders who have seen the destroyed islands say otherwise. It will be me and Valka and the teens. Spitelout is in charge of Berk it was going to be a long trip we don't even know where to start looking.

Hiccups POV

I woke up this morning to Toothless staring directly in my face panting "WOAH...ohh gosh bud you scared me" "can we go on a morning flight Hiccup please" "Fine."

I put on my helmet grabbed Inferno and we were off. It was such a relaxing morning we were flying for a while in silence until Toothless said "are you okay?" "Not really, it's just I don't know if we can keep hiding the dragon eye forever they will find it at some point and if they do find the king of dragons they can destroy the archipelago" "Hiccup, calm down you will figure something out" I just smiled at him he always makes me feel better.

I was trying to think of what to do when I heard "SHOOT IT DOWN!" How did I not see that hunter ship, "Toothless evasive maneuvers." I yelled There were arrows coming left and right and they were getting hard to dodge. We managed to escape or so I thought we flew into the clouds and then an arrow hit Toothless and we went down "BRACE YOURSELF HICCUP!" We crashed into an island "TOOTHLESS ARE YOU OKAY BUD!?"

Astrids POV

We were flying from island to island trying to find something and we found... nothing until we heard the shriek of a dragon and we saw it go down onto an island. We quickly landed and told our dragons to stay behind and out of sight then started looking. It was a big island so we had to start looking straight away.

Half an hour later...

We were about to give up looking when we heard someone talking but it didn't sound like Norse it sounded weird. We crept up and saw a man in all black amour with one leg looking at us. He also had a dragon with acid green eyes and through the slits in his helmet you could just see his eyes they were emerald green they looked so familiar to me.

Stoicks POV

He looked at the dragon and made a weird clicking sound and it hid behind him then he pulled out a sword and it lit on command. "Who are you?" I said he didn't answer so I asked him again and he answered "I'm the Night Rider" then he got into a battle stance so did we. We came here to find him and we did.

Hiccups POV

I saw these people standing infront of me looking at me and Toothless I didn't know who they were at first until I realised that it was Stoick, Ruff, Tuff, Snotlout, Astrid, Fishlegs and some random woman who I didn't know. I missed the first time Stoick asked who I was but then I answered the second time "I'm the Night Rider" I then got into a battle stance and so did they. I fought them off one by one. First Snotlout it was pretty easy just a punch to the face and he was out, Fishlegs didn't even try to fight me and the Twins well they came charging at me but by the time they reached me they were fighting eachother. It was Astrid next I knew she was skilled so I was a bit nervous but I fought her off she is always so focused on hitting her opponent with her axe that she leaves her legs exposed so I tripped her and disarmed her. The random woman fought me next she was way better fighter than Astrid but I just managed to beat her. Then it came down to my dad I was fighting him for way longer and was bout to stab him but he punched me in the face and I fell back.

Stoicks POV

I could see Valka telling the kids to back away I saw them stand scared as they nursed their wounds. I had just punched Night rider and pinned him down ready to pull of his mask but just as I was about to his dragon tackled me to the ground and was about to kill me with a shot to the face until the Night Rider yelled "Toothless Stand Down!" He walked up to the rider and then the man said "why are you attacking me?" "Because you destroy villages" Astrid said he seemed shocked at the idea I couldn't see his face but you could tell he then just stepped back and said something to the dragon in another language. "What are you saying?" I asked.

Hiccups POV

"Why does everyone think we destroy villages" I asked Toothless "because you Vikings have big imaginations and imagine the worst" he replied "fair point." "What did you say Stoick asked. I just ran into the forest and they followed me.

Word count: 863

A/n this chapter was so hard to fix I pretty much deleted the whole thing. The old one was only like I think 300 words long 😅

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