17. The past.....

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Valkas POV

"Tell us" I said to Hiccup he just shook his head and tried to get up but he was in too much pain. "HICCUP TELL US" Stoick yelled he then shook his head again. This time he forced himself off the ground and stood up with his dragon helping him walk. "Son, just tell us" he turned and gave a scowl his dragon then moved away from him and let him fall.

Hiccups POV

I fell on the ground and glared at Toothless "What was that for?" "You need to tell them what happened I want to know too I'm worried about you"  I smiled and hugged him and got up. "Tell us" Stoick walked up behind me and touched my shoulder I winced in pain. "Fine..." I leaned against a tree to gain balance. "Those men were my biggest enemies and I had planned to be captured to find out their plans but it didn't work out instead they handed me over to....him" "who's him?" They asked "a man named shadow see when I was 15 and I had left Berk I made a friend and we got close but when I was about 17 he started to treat me differently. He would beat me to I couldn't move and he said 'im hurting you to make you stronger'" when I said that I saw their eyes tear up. "But when I was 18 he sold me out to Viggo and we got in a bad fight he cut my eye and I cut his arm. He told me dragons were scum and I'm useless...so we left. And he broke me not Drago him and I became the emotionless Night Rider" I could see how shocked they were but I pretended not to care. "Wait when we first saw you all those years ago you didn't have a scar" "see I had figured out how to hide it but eventually gave up and learned to live with it like I did with my leg" I looked at Toothless "are you okay now Hiccup?" I nodded then turned to see Valka she was right in front of me. "There's something your not telling us" I sighed and took off my cloak to reveal big gashes down my back. They both gasped and I sat down next to Toothless and sunk my head into my knees. "Why in Odin's name would he do that to you"  Stoick asked. "Because apparently I deserve it for trusting traitors like him and Dagur" I sighed and I felt like I was gonna faint but held strong. "Listen I'm sorry....dad for leaving all those years ago" he looked at me shocked that I called him dad. I saw Valka smile at him.

Stoicks POV

He trusted me....he called me dad. I was so happy he then said something that made especially happy. "And I'm sorry I was rude to you and acted like I didn't  care...mum" we both looked at him shocked and I saw Val start to tear up. But Hiccup started to seem a little weaker he nearly passed out but his dragon helped him. Valka leaned in and gave Hiccup a hug he seemed to be really shocked but hugged back and then I went in and joined the hug. He was finally calm and not so bitter. When we broke from the hug I asked him "what did shadow do to you" and I pointed to his back. He sighed and then said "an axe blade" we gasped but Hiccup didn't seem to care it hurt me really bad that my son was so used to having this kind of punishment that he just didn't care anymore. Suddenly we heard something in the bushes and Hiccup seemed to know who it was "hide" he said to us. We were about to protest but this was Hiccups war so we did what he asked. "Well well well, you escaped me again. Must be really proud" "get to the point shadow what do you want" then he shot some sort of arrow at Hiccup.

Hiccups POV

I quickly pulled the arrow out. "That is a sleep arrow" he said. I started to feel dizzy but I just charged at him and we started fighting again. I was way to weak to win but I kept fighting anyway. "Viggo wants answers on where the alpha is" I suddenly froze "both of the alphas died, Drago killed them" "Drago killed your Bewilderbeast but some other dragon killed Drago's which asks the question who's the new alpha" "I seemed to have forgotten" I said sarcastically. He then lunged forward and started to choke me "I will come back and ask the same question Hiccup and you will tell me" he then dropped me and ran off. I got back up and started to feel really dizzy my vision got blurry and the last thing I saw was 3 figures above me and then I blacked out.

Stoicks POV

Hiccup got up after being choked and then fell down we sprinted out to check on him and he then blacked out.

Next morning...

Hiccups POV

I woke up with a jolt and then Toothless calmed me down. My parents ran over "thank goodness your okay son" I felt a little better my wounds still really hurt though. I looked at them and all I could say was "Im going back to the edge"

Word count: 913

Is this a good chapter I have no clue?

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