18. Trust

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Hiccups POV

"Why!?" They asked me. "Because right now there is so much danger following me and so many Armadas of angry Vikings it is not safe to be at Berk right now" I saw my parents start to get really mad. "You don't have to do this by yourself Hiccup" my dad said then my mum added in "we finally found you again and don't want to see you get hurt anymore son." "I can't have people with me if i have people I care about with me then they will hurt them until I give up the information or just kill them anyway." I said and looked over at Toothless I sighed and said "even though I act like I don't I care about Berk way too much to put anyone through that" I then handed them a map "this has an island you can live on its perfect" I smiled at them and then my mum and dad have me a hug and smiled at me. I then walked over to Toothless and we took off.

Valkas POV

I watched as Hiccup and his dragon left. "Why it's not fair. He's only young and he has to deal with those awful men" I felt like such a kid for saying that but it was true. Stoick then hugged me and we mounted up and headed for Berk with the map in hand. We landed on Berk and saw all of the Berkians start to gather in the great hall.

Stoicks POV

"People of Berk we have found a new island to live on and it is not too far a trip from here" everyone cheered but then someone asked "where's Hiccup?" The hall went silent and everyone looked at me. "He has decided to return to his home as he has too many enemies following him at the moment" "what enemies" a Viking yelled. "They are Dagur the Deranged, Crogan, Johan Ryker and Viggo Grimborn and Drago Bludvist" the hall went silent with shock but I broke the silence and said "start to pack we leave for the new island by first light" then everyone left the hall.

Hiccups POV

It was a silent flight at first but then Toothless said. "Are you okay brother?" "Yeah I'm fine" "how are you injuries?" "Extremely painful" I awkwardly laughed out. Toothless then gave me a worried look but I just smiled at him. "I miss Berk" I sighed.

A few hours later....

We landed at dragons edge and I sat down and started tending to my wounds everything hurt. But I had Toothless who was right next to me the whole time giving me this gummy smile

A week later....

Me and Toothless took a early morning flight and everything was going perfectly until we were knocked out of the sky with bolas. "Ahhhhhhh" we landed on close island and I saw a dragon fly off into the clouds. I didn't think anything of it and ran to help my dragon. I cut the ropes and then he was free I checked him for any injuries thank Thor he had none. I then grabbed the bola and looked at it. "Wait this has Berk's symbol and these bolas look new" people lable their bolas with their symbol to claim the thing they shot down. I all started to add up in my head. A dragon flew off and the bola came from the same direction which means that we were shot down by...."Berkians" I was furious I actually thought I could trust them and I opened up to those traitors. My blood was boiling they messed with the wrong person.

Stoicks POV

It was a nice day on new Berk and everyone was still moving in. I really missed my son and so did Val but he left for Berk's safety. Suddenly I heard someone yell "NIGHTFURY INCOMING" everyone started to crowd around but I was so confused what he was doing here. "Hiccup what brings you here?" He seemed really mad "care to tell me what these are" he then chucked a bola on the ground and it had Berk's symbol on it. "These are bolas from Berk..where did you find these?" "Wrapped around my dragon" we were all shocked. "We got hit by a bola and then I saw a dragon fly off in the direction it came from. Coincidence I think NOT!" He was starting to get really mad now "this wasn't us" "new bola with your symbol and a dragon" I didn't know what to say we looked really guilty. "Listen here Stoick you just made enemies with the wrong person" enemies? I just got him to trust me and now that trust is gone. He then mounted his dragon and they sped off. "None of us would do this Stoick" Astrid said. I nodded we care about dragons why on earth would we hurt his NightFury.

Hiccups POV

I was absolutely furious I actually trusted them, and you know what I actually put the Night Rider part of myself in the past because I thought I had people I could trust and I didn't need to hide but I guess I will never get rid of the Night Rider. And I will never be safe. We landed on the edge and I grabbed my old armour and helmet (Httyd 3 armour) and there, the Night Rider is born again and this time I won't lose up against Shadow. "Mark. My. Words. I won't lose"

Word count: 922

A/n there another chapter done

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