10. what happened to you?

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Hiccups POV

We followed a hunter ship to an island. Why would they stop here out of all places. This island looked nothing special just a bunch of flat areas and trees. We landed on the other side of the island and went on foot to spy on the hunters. We needed to pick them off one by one without the others noticing. But leave one to question. I put my plan into action and started taking them out.

Stoicks POV

We spent forever looking until we finally found a island that suited all of us. It had a huge forest and a lot of flat land. We saw a boat docked on the island so we took precaution just in case they were an enemy. We walked into the forest and it was so big and amazing I loved it. We walked through to see the flat land it was bigger than Berk we could have so much more room for crops and stables. The dragons seemed to like it there was no poisonous things anywhere and it was so calming, there was a huge beach. I took in the amazing sights until I was interrupted by Astrid who said "can you hear that" I could it was foot steps. "Follow me but be quiet." I said we approached the noise slowly just in case it was something dangerous. We hid behind a bush and told our dragons to hang back. I looked to see something that shook me. It was a man with a black cloak talking to a dragon hunter. We listened in thinking that this man was a hunter but what happens surprised us. "What are you doing here!" The man asked the hunter "I'll take that secret to my grave" the cloaked man held his sword up to the mans throat and said "Fine...then tell me where Drago Bludvist is I know he's not DEAD!" the hunter looked terrified and said "he is dead your crazy...and even if I do know I wouldn't tell you." "TELL ME...or do you want to end up like your colleagues" he pointed to the dead hunters. I was in shock at what was going on who was this man. "I swear I don't know anything I thought he was dead" the hunter yelled. The man pulled his sword away from the hunter and then said "well...you're of no use to me then" and slit his throat. I saw the teens in shock at what had transpired. He then said something that changed the look on all our faces "Come on...Toothless let's go get answers from some other hunters..." Then a black dragon with acid green eyes came out. I knew that name and the dragon. It couldn't be...

Hiccups POV

I called Toothless over we were gonna see if there were any other hunters on the island so I could get answers. I was about to leave when I heard "Hiccup..." I quickly told Toothless to hide and then turned to see them. I knew I was done for but kept my hood on. "Come on bud" I said in a frustrated tone. He started to follow still under the cover of darkness "No" I stopped to see them all really angry. "Your gonna tell us what happened" I sighed and reluctently agreed. "Fine...what do you want know"

Astrids POV

Hiccups just killed a man....I didn't see that coming. "WHAT DO WE WANNA KNOW...you left 10 years ago we saw you 7 years later being Hauled off to prison and we see you again 3 years late and you just killed a man" I shouted I couldn't see his face because of the cloak, he said "hey...he was hardly that innocent" I was shocked he kills and raids villages. "Tell us" Stoick said in a strict tone. "I don't have to tell you anything Stoick" I was shocked did he really just call his dad Stoick?! Valka was about to say something when Hiccup said "Fine, I shot down Toothless in a raid, I faked my death, left killed the evil Queen of dragons. Lost my leg, pledged loyalty to the dragons. Became Night Rider, made enemies with dragon hunters, saw you guys 7 years later, nearly died in jail, escaped and killed my enemies, fought Drago Bludvist he killed the good bewilder beast we killed the bad one. And here we are 3yrs later can I go now?"
We stood there dumb founded. He seemed so lifeless when he said it so I asked him "what happens to you...you used to be kind but now your just evil" he looked at us.

Hiccups POV

I looked up at them and said "Drago..." they went silent, then I said "now if you'll excuse me I have to save dragons by killing Drago meanwhile you dragon killing Berkians can leave me alone" I tried to walk off when they said "we don't kill dragons" I laughed and said "yeah and earth round" they then called for something and next thing I knew dragons landed infornt of them. The dragons were about to attack me but I said. "Are you living with them freely or are you forced" "freely." The Nadder said confused at how I could speak the language. "Fine I believe you.." I walked off and they yelled "where are you going?" "I told you to kill Drago" they yelled wait but I kept going then the dragons started charging after me and then Toothless came along and roared at them and they went away. I gave him a scratch on the head. "Don't do that next time.." I yelled then, Snotlout said "my dragons does what he wants to, Useless" he tried to get the Nightmare to attack me but he wouldn't move an inch Little did they know Toothless is in charge now. They all looked worried at why their dragons wouldn't move.

Word count: 999

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