11. Please...we need your help

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Astrids POV

What is happening they won't move? I looked to see Hiccup and his dragon talking I think they were laughing at us? I got so mad I charged up to kill him but he punched me in the stomach and flipped me onto my back. I was shocked he didn't even struggle to flip me. I got up with the help of my friends.

Hiccups POV

I loved the expression on Astrid's face when I flipped her. I heard the random woman say "please come back Hiccup, when Drago took control of the dragons ours destroyed Berk and we have to find a new home." I looked confused I didn't even know who this woman was... "And how would I be of any help?" The woman then answered "you have traveled the archipelago right?" I nodded "well you can help us pick a good island because we can't find a safe one" I stood there thinking for a minute and I looked at Toothless and asked him "should I agree?" "I don't know...it could be a trap but the dragons say that they are there willingly so it can't be a trap plus I'm the alpha if anything goes wrong then I'm here." I nodded at Toothless and then said "fine...I will help you...but if this is a trap and my dragon gets hurt I will kill everyone on Berk except the dragons" they were taken back by this threat but I didn't care.

Fishlegs POV

This was definitely not my best friend anymore he was so different and he would not take off his hood and that threat did he really mean it? "I have a question before we go" I said. Hiccup looked at me and nodded "yeah, what is it?" "What type of dragon is Toothless" Hiccup nodded and called his dragon "Toothless come here" I got the book of dragons out ready on a fresh page to draw the dragon he then stopped me and said "Toothless is already in the book of dragons" we all looked confused at what he was talking about he then said "give it to me I'll show you" I handed him the book and he turned to the page and handed it back to me we all looked at the page in shock. "The unholy offspring of lightning and Death itself..." He said and pointed to Toothless. We all could not believe it they were real. "How come we never see them anymore?" Tuff asked. "Sadly, he's the last of his species" Hiccup said. We all looked sad but it seemed Toothless didn't care, he was happy with his life with Hiccup.

Stoicks POV

He rides a Night Fury...I can't believe that. "Okay let's head to what's left of Berk" I said. We mounted our dragons and saw how Hiccup changed his leg and mounted the dragon his leg clicked into place and he opened the dragons tail and took off. I couldn't believe that Hiccup was coming back to Berk. I watched as he rode his dragon so calmly he wasn't even holding on. Then they started saying something in that weird language. And our dragons joined

Hiccups POV

"I'm still not sure about this Toothless" before he could answer the Nadder spoke "you can trust us we have lived with them for a while now" I nodded at the Nadder and then Toothless said "well whatever happens we stick together okay Hiccup" I nodded and smiled. They all looked at me confused except the dragons. "What exactly happened to Berk?" I asked. "The dragons started randomly doing what they did in the raids except worse. They destroyed everything not just building the actual land." Snotlout said. "And their eyes turned to slits" I said they all nodded. "How did you know" the woman asked. "I went face to face with Drago and all the dragons turned evil" I tapped Toothless on the head. They all looked scared and Ruff said "I couldn't imagine facing him" I agreed and remembered when Toothless nearly killed me when he was mind controlled. He looked up sad. But I just smiled from under my mask.(A/n did I mention he had httyd 3 armour a cloak and a bandana no helmet)

A few hours later...

"Here we are" Stoick said. I looked to see absolute destruction I didn't care about Berk anymore but it was still a shock. "We'll land and talk to them and you all wait up here" Stoick said we all nodded then Stoick and the woman flew down. We all sat in silence for a while until I asked "Who is that woman?" They all looked nervous and said things like "wait you don't know, how do you not know?" "Am I supposed to know who she is?" I asked." They all nodded. Astrid began to say "Hiccup she is y-" Stoick then flew up to us before she could finish.

Stoicks POV

I landed on Berk and the whole village was there. I yelled "people of Berk we found someone to help us find a good island and to help us rebuild, we can trust him" they all looked worried about this and asked who he was "it is the Night Rider.." Val said they all knew his true identity. They were happy and angry about this decision. They all agreed to let him help and I flew up to get him.

Word count: 912

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