19. Prepare for War

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I'm Soooo sorry for not updating I have been busy with school work and also sick but I'm back now and I'm hoping to get more chapters done. Over the next three weeks....

Hiccups POV
I started to get ready for an attack. I set up catapults on every part of the island and arrow launchers. I knew the hunters would come here to find the alpha luckily they don't know Toothless is the Alpha the only human who knows is me. I was still furious at Berk why would they do this to me I mean I found them a new home and didn't harm anyone. I guess I did leave all those years ago but I didn't realise it mattered that much. I can't be distracted right now I have to finish preparing the island.

Stoicks POV

We did an inventory check on the island and I saw that we did indeed have one bola missing but if this was true then who threw it and when because we were all together. "Cheif" "what is it Astrid?" "There's something important you need to know..."

Hiccups POV

The whole island was a war zone weapons everywhere I never thought my island would turn into this. Toothless walked up with a worried look and did a sad coo. "Im not gonna let anything happen to you bud. I. Promise." I then hugged him "are you sure it was right to push the Berkians away?" Toothless said. "They hurt you and eventhough they ride dragons Vikings never change and they will hurt you like the hunters will if they find out your the alpha. And I'm not gonna let you get hurt again" "and I won't let you get hurt" Toothless comforted. I smiled and then I heard something land behind me.

Stoicks POV

"Shadow..I thought I told you.." Hiccup started but then stopped when he realised who it was. "You shouldn't be here" me the teens and Valka were standing there sorry about the bola. "This island is certainly ready for war" Astrid announced and she was right. "You should leave I'm busy" he was mad I could tell. I turned to Astrid and said "tell him what you told me." She nodded and then said "we did some research into why our dragons wouldn't or couldn't attack around your dragon." Fishlegs butted in "and we figured out that the dragons have to obey their....Alpha" we looked at him and he seemed shocked "okay...so you know but you can't tell anyone now go" he said. "But Hiccup..." Astrid said. "I SAID GO!"

Astrids POV

We were about to mount our dragons when we heard a voice "I would get them to stay if I were you Hiccup" we looked to see that man Shadow. "It all makes sense now that your NightFury is the Alpha." Hiccup glared at us then put on his helmet and pulled out his sword. "Hand him over Hiccup" "I will. Never. Give him up" Hiccup was furious. "get out of here" he said to us and we did we flew off...but little did we all know that was a big mistake that we all regret.....

Hiccups POV

"Now that those people are gone hand over the Night Fury.." "You think after all these years you could sneak into my home, act like you own it and threaten my. Dragon. I'm not 18 anymore you can't manipulate me into thinking I can't deal with you as a threat when I've dealt with threats far worse than You." He grinned at me "it's not just me and trust me whats coming you've never seen anything like it" and with that he left...again....

Stoicks POV

"That's guy Shadow seems like a really big deal" Snotlout said breaking the silence. "Yeah" "what's wrong chief?" Fishlegs asked. "Wait are we playing a guessing game I'm great at guessing games" Tuffnut said. "No Tuff" Ruffnut said slapping a hand to her face. "Ohh boring" Tuffnut said dragging on. "I'm still so confused who threw that bola?" I said. "Well I think that's the least of our problems.." Valka said point to a whole fleet of ships blocking our way home. "We can't get through" Fishlegs said. "We have to go back to Hiccups island now" I ordered but the hunters kept shooting at us. So we tried to dodge them.

Hiccups POV

I was finishing setting up defences when Toothless ran up to me in panic and then I saw dragons with riders crashing down I ran over as quickly as I could and saw the Berkians. With out even thinking I ran over and helped. I saw they were unconscious. I grabbed Astrid and threw her arm around over my shoulder and pulled her into the club house and did the same with the others and then I ran over to the dragons and saw some wounds they weren't that bad but still looked painful. I quickly started to help heal the dragons and Berkians.

A few hours later...

Astrids POV

I woke up and my head was painful I saw we were in an unfamiliar room and panicked only to be calmed down by a soothing voice. "Woah calm down your okay" I looked to see...Hiccup? He then walked out and then I quickly woke up the others and they were also confused. "Hi" he said. "What happened?" I asked "I was hoping you could tell me you crashed here unconscious" he said "where are our dragons?" Fishlegs asked worriedly. "There fine Toothless is keeping an eye on them" "now do you remember anything about what happened to you?" Why was he being nice? Probably just to get info. "There is an attack coming..." I said he held a calm face but I could see worry and fear in his eyes.

Word count: 940

Possible start of Hiccstrid....?

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